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Spanish B2 module 2: Tecnología y sociedad (Technology and society)

This is learning module 2 of 6 of our Spanish B2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.

Full learning program: B2

Learning goals:

  • Evolución tecnológica (Tech evolution)
  • Impacto de la sociedad (Impact of society)

Chapters (1)

Chapter Learning goals Lesson materials Actions
B2:8 Realidad virtual e inteligencia artificial (Virtual reality and artificial intelligence)
Learning module 2 (B2): Tecnología y sociedad (Technology and society)
  • Hablar sobre la realidad virtual (Talk about virtual reality)
  • Discute el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en los medios (Discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on media)

Vocabulary and exercises