Spanish B1 module 1: Charlas y conversaciones (Chit chat and conversations)
This is learning module 1 of 6 of our Spanish B1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: B1
Learning goals:
- Participa en conversaciones formales e informales. (Engage in formal and informal conversations.)
- Aprende diferentes canales de comunicación. (Learn different communications channels.)
- Modo subjuntivo. (Subjunctive mood.)
Word list (96)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 15,
Adjectives: 9,
Adverbs: 1,
Articles: 1,
Interjection: 3,
Nouns: 34,
Questions: 2,
Sentences / word combination: 1
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
A mano | By hand |
Acabar | To finish |
Actual | Current |
Agendas | Schedules |
Breve | Brief |
Claridad | Clarity |
Colgar | Hang up |
Conferencias | Conferences |
Contestar | To reply |
Conteste | He answers |
Contestes | You answer |
Controversial | Controversial |
Cuelga | Hangs up |
Debatir | To debate |
Defender | To defend |
Dejar | To leave |
Deje | Leaves |
Dejen | They leave |
Descolgar | To pick up |
Descuelga | Picks up |
Descuelgue | Picks up |
Dirigir | To direct |
El acuerdo | The agreement |
El argumento | The argument |
El asunto | The subject |
El conflicto | The conflict |
El contestador | The answering machine |
El debate | The Debate |
El desacuerdo | The disagreement |
El desafío | The Challenge |
El descontento | The discontent |
El malestar | The discomfort |
El mensaje | The message |
El participante | The participant |
El punto de vista | The point of view |
El recado | The message |
El saludo | The Greeting |
El telediario | The news programme |
El tono de llamada | The ringtone |
Encontremos | We find |
Encuentres | You find |
Estar de acuerdo | Agreed |
Estemos | We are |
Estimado | Dear |
Estrenar | To premiere |
Expresar | To express |
Feria Internacional de Turismo | International Tourism Fair |
Formal | Formal |
Funcione | Works |
Hable | Speaks |
Hablemos | We speak |
Hables | You speak |
Informativo | Informative |
Instalar | To have one installed |
La alternativa | The alternative |
La conferencia | The conference |
La contrapropuesta | The counter-proposal |
La conversación | The conversation |
La crítica | The critique |
La decisión | The decision |
La discusión | The discussion |
La estrategia | The strategy |
La hoja de reclamación | The complaints form |
La insatisfacción | The dissatisfaction |
La llamada | The call |
La opinión | The opinion |
La perspectiva | The perspective |
La propuesta | The proposal |
La protesta | The Protest |
La prueba | The test |
La queja | The complaint |
La serie | The series |
La señal | The signal |
Lleguemos | We reach |
Llevarse un disgusto | To get upset |
Personas clave | Key people |
Productivas | Productive |
Productivo | Productive |
Profesional | Professional |
Propuestas | Proposals |
Protestar | To protest |
Quejarse | To complain |
Redactar | To draft |
Relevante | Relevant |
Respondas | You answer |
Resuelvas | You resolve |
Reunirse | To meet |
Sea | Is |
Solucionar | To solve |
Solucionen | Resolve |
Tenga | Has |
Tengas | You have |
Transmitir | To transmit |
Voz | Voice |
¿Diga? | Hello? |
¿Estás ocupado? | Are you busy? |