Spanish A1 module 6: La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)
This is learning module 6 of 6 of our Spanish A1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A1
Learning goals:
- Hablar sobre las situaciones diarias más comunes en una ciudad. (Talk about most common daily situations in a city.)
- Pedir y dar direcciones. (Ask and give directions.)
- Transporte y navegación. (Transportation and navigation.)
Word list (190)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 24,
Adjectives: 5,
Adverbs: 1,
Nouns: 86,
Sentences / word combination: 5
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
A | To |
A la derecha | To the right |
A la izquierda | To the left |
A pie | On foot |
Abierta | Open |
Andar | To walk |
Bailado | Danced |
Bailar | To dance |
Baile | Dance |
Bebidas | Drinks |
Biblioteca | Library |
Bibliotecas | Libraries |
Calle | Street |
Camarera | Waitress |
Camareros | Waiters |
Camino | Path |
Cantar | To sing |
Cerca | Near |
Cerrado | Closed |
Chef | Chef |
Clásica | Classic |
Cocina | Kitchen |
Coge | Takes |
Cogemos | Do we catch |
Cogen | They take |
Coger | To take |
Conducir | To drive |
Conduzco | I drive |
Corre | He runs |
Correr | To run |
Corro | Run |
Cuadros | Paintings |
Danza | Dance |
Dar | To give |
Desde | From |
Dibujar | To draw |
Dirección | Direction |
El actor | The actor |
El arte | The art |
El artista | The artist |
El atletismo | Athletics |
El autobús | The bus |
El avión | The airplane |
El baile | The dance |
El baloncesto | Basketball |
El banco | The bank |
El bar | The pub |
El barco | The boat |
El boxeo | Boxing |
El camarero | The waiter |
El centro | The town centre |
El ciclismo | Cycling |
El cine | The cinema |
El coche | The car |
El concierto | The concert |
El cuadro | The painting |
El deporte | The sport |
El dibujo | The drawing |
El espectáculo | The show |
El evento | The event |
El fútbol | Soccer |
El gimnasio | The gym |
El hospital | The hospital |
El instrumento | The instrument |
El jazz | Jazz |
El karate | Karate |
El libro | The book |
El menú | The menu |
El metro | The subway |
El museo | The museum |
El musical | The musical |
El músico | The musician |
El ordenador | The computer |
El parque | The park |
El piano | The piano |
El plato | The plate |
El pop | Pop music |
El postre | The dessert |
El restaurante | The restaurant |
El rock | Rock music |
El tango | The tango |
El taxi | The taxi |
El teatro | The theater |
El tenis | Tennis |
El tiempo libre | The free time |
El tranvía | The tram |
El tren | The train |
El violín | The violin |
En | We go by car to the beach. |
En tranvía | By tram |
Encanta | Loves |
Encontrar | Find |
Equipos | Teams |
Es estudiado | Is studied |
Es sentida | Is felt |
Es tocada | Is played |
Es visitada | Is visited |
Es visitado | Is visited |
Es vista | Is watched |
Escuchar | Listen to |
Escucho | I listen to |
Exposiciones | Exhibitions |
Gustaría | Would you like |
Ha tomado | Has had |
Hace ejercicio | He exercises |
Hacer ejercicio | To exercise |
Haces ejercicio | Do you exercise |
Hacia | Towards |
Internet | The Internet |
Irse | To leave |
Juegan | They play |
Jugadores | Players |
Jugar | To play |
La actriz | The actress |
La bebida | The drink |
La biblioteca | The library |
La bicicleta | The bicycle |
La cafetería | The café |
La canción | The song |
La comisaría | The police station |
La escuela | The school |
La estación | The station |
La exposición | The exhibition |
La farmacia | The pharmacy |
La foto | The photo |
La gasolinera | The gas station |
La gimnasia | Gymnastics |
La guitarra | The guitar |
La música | The music |
La natación | Swimming |
La obra | The work of art |
La oficina | The office |
La oficina de correos | The post office |
La oficina de información | The information office |
La panadería | The bakery |
La parada | The bus stop |
La peluquería | The hairdresser's |
La película | The film |
La pizzería | The pizzeria |
La plaza | The square |
La radio | The radio |
La salsa | The salsa |
La televisión | The television |
La tienda | The shop |
La universidad | The university |
Las urgencias | The emergencies |
Leer | To read |
Lejos | Far |
Moderna | Modern |
Moderno | Modern |
Museo | Museum |
Música | Music |
Nadar | To swim |
Noche | Evening |
Partido | Match |
Pasan | They pass |
Pasar | To pass |
Pie | Foot |
Pintamos | We paint |
Pintar | To paint |
Pinturas | Paintings |
Pizza | Pizza |
Platos | Dishes |
Por | Through |
Prefiere | Prefers |
Pronto | Ready |
Reservar | Book |
Rivalidad | Rivalry |
Sacamos | We took |
Sacar | To take |
Señales | Signs |
Sobre | Over |
Sonar | To sound |
Sonido | Sound |
Suena | Sounds |
Tarde | Late |
Toca | Plays |
Toca la guitarra | Plays the guitar |
Tocar | To play |
Todo recto | Straight ahead |
Tomado | I have had |
Tomar | Have |
Tomarlo | Have it |
Transporte | Transport |
Usado | Used |
Usan | They use |
Usar | To use |
Viajar | To travel |
Viernes | Friday |
Volar | To fly |