Spanish A1 module 3: Día a día (Day to day)
This is learning module 3 of 6 of our Spanish A1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A1
Learning goals:
- Habla sobre tus actividades cotidianas. (Talk about your day to day activities.)
- Hacer preguntas básicas. (Asking basic questions.)
- Compras y adquisiciones. (Shopping and buying.)
Word list (152)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 31,
Adjectives: 5,
Adverbs: 1,
Interjection: 1,
Nouns: 71,
Questions: 8,
Sentences / word combination: 1
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
A diario | Daily |
A dónde | Where |
Acostarse | To lie down |
Barato | Cheap |
Bañarse | To bathe |
Beber | To drink |
Bebes | Do you drink |
Bebo | I drink |
Billetes | Banknotes |
Caro | Expensive |
Carrito | Trolley |
Casera | Homemade |
Casero | Homemade |
Cenar | To dine |
Cocinar | Cook |
Comer | To eat |
Comes | Are you eating |
Comprar | To buy |
Costar | To cost |
Cuál | Which |
Cuándo | When |
Cuántas | How many |
Cuánto | How much |
Cuántos | How many |
Cómo | How |
Desayunar | To have breakfast |
Despertarse | To wake up |
Dormir | To sleep |
Ducharse | To shower |
Dónde | Where |
El abrigo | The coat |
El aceite | The oil |
El agua | The water |
El ajo | The garlic |
El azúcar | The sugar |
El café | The coffee |
El cambio | The change |
El carrito de la compra | The shopping cart |
El cinturón | The belt |
El cuello | The neck |
El cuerpo | The body |
El descuento | The discount |
El dinero | The money |
El día a día | The day-to-day |
El efectivo | Cash |
El euro | The euro |
El gorro | The hat |
El horario | The timetable |
El jersey | The sweater |
El mercado | The market |
El pan | The bread |
El pelo | The hair |
El pescado | The fish |
El precio | The price |
El queso | The cheese |
El supermercado | The supermarket |
El tomate | The tomato |
El té | The tea |
El vestido | The dress |
El yogur | The yogurt |
El zumo | The juice |
Favorito | Favourite |
Gazpacho | Gazpacho |
Hacer | To do |
Hornear | To bake |
La boca | The mouth |
La cabeza | The head |
La caja | The box |
La camisa | The shirt |
La camiseta | The t-shirt |
La carne | The meat |
La cebolla | The onion |
La comida | The food |
La compra | The purchase |
La cuenta | The bill |
La factura | The invoice |
La falda | The skirt |
La fruta | The fruit |
La harina | The flour |
La leche | The milk |
La lista de la compra | The shopping list |
La mantequilla | The butter |
La manzana | The apple |
La naranja | The orange |
La nariz | The nose |
La nata | The cream |
La receta | The recipe |
La sal | The salt |
La tarjeta | The card |
La tienda | The store |
La tostada | The toast |
La verdura | The vegetable |
Las botas | The boots |
Las gafas | The glasses |
Las galletas | The cookies |
Las manos | The hands |
Las orejas | The ears |
Las piernas | The legs |
Lavarse | To wash oneself |
Levantarse | To get up |
Llevar | Wear |
Llevo | I’ll take |
Los brazos | The arms |
Los guantes | The gloves |
Los huevos | The eggs |
Los ingredientes | The ingredients |
Los ojos | The eyes |
Los pantalones | The trousers |
Los pies | The feet |
Los zapatos | The shoes |
Manzanas | Apples |
Mezclar | To mix |
Moneda | Currency |
Necesitar | To need |
Necesitas | You need |
Paga | Pays |
Pagar | To pay |
Pedir | To ask |
Peinarse | To comb oneself |
Peseta | Peseta |
Planchar | To iron |
Poco | Little |
Poder | To be able to |
Por qué | Why |
Precio | Price |
Preguntar | To ask |
Pulpo | Octopus |
Quién | Who |
Quiénes | Who |
Qué | What |
Repetir | To repeat |
Responder | To respond |
Saben | They learn |
Saber | To know |
Se acuesta | Goes to bed |
Se cena | One has dinner |
Se levanta | Gets up |
Se viste | He gets dressed |
Soñar | To dream |
Tapas | Tapas |
Tener tiempo | To have time |
Tomates | Tomatoes |
Vender | To sell |
Vestirse | To get dressed |
¿A dónde? | Where to? |
¿Cuál? | Which? |
¿Cuándo? | When? |
¿Cuánto? | How much? |
¿Cómo? | How? |
¿Dónde? | Where? |
¿Por qué? | Why? |
¿Qué? | What? |