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Uses of "se" in Spanish

Learn the different uses of "se" in Spanish: reflexivo, recíproco, impersonal, pasiva refleja, intensificador, pronominal, and acción involuntaria.

Gramática: Usos del "se" en español

B1 Spanish Different uses of "se"

Level: B1

Module 6: Vivir en el extranjero (Living abroad)

Lesson 40: Barrera lingüística (Language barrier)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations

  1. "Se" can represent actions performed by the subject on themselves (reflexivo), among several people (recíproco), or without a defined subject (impersonal).
  2. Simplify the passive voice (pasiva refleja), intensify actions, and be part of the meaning of certain verbs.
  3. Indicate actions that occur unintentionally (acción involuntaria).
Uso del "se"FórmulaEjemplo
ReflexivoSujeto + se + verboAna se explica la palabra. (Ana explains herself the word.)
RecíprocoSujetos (2+) + se + verboAna y Pedro se corrigen el texto. (Ana and Pedro correct each other the text.)
ImpersonalSe + verbo (3ª persona singular)En esta clase se habla con fluidez. (In this class, one speaks fluently.)
Pasiva reflejaSe + verbo (3ª persona singular/plural) + objetoSe explican las frases en la clase. (The phrases are explained in the class.)
IntensificadorSujeto + se + verbo + objetoPedro se repite la frase para aprenderla. (Pedro repeats the phrase to learn it.)
PronominalSujeto + se (parte del verbo) + verboAna se imagina la conversación. (Ana imagines the conversation.)
Acción involuntariaSe + objeto indirecto + verboSe me olvidó el vocabulario. (I forgot the vocabulary.)


  1. Change of meaning with "se": Some verbs change meaning when "se" is added. ⇒ Example: quedar (agree) vs. quedarse (stay)

Exercise 1: Usos del "se" en español

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

se lava, Se corrigen, se da cuenta, Se me olvidó, se grita, se prepara, se queda, Se le cayó

Maria ... las manos antes de comer.
(Maria washes her hands before eating.)
Ana ... fuerte cuando practica la pronunciación.
(Ana shouts loudly when she practices pronunciation.)
Luis ... para explicar el tema en clase.
(Luis prepares to explain the topic in class.)
Ana ... callada cuando no entiende la explicación.
(Ana stays quiet when she doesn't understand the explanation.)
... una palabra importante en la noticia.
(I forgot an important word in the news.)
Juan ... de la diferencia entre dos palabras.
(Juan notices the difference between two words.)
... la ficha en medio de la presentación.
(The penny dropped in the middle of the presentation.)
... las frases del resumen.
(The sentences in the summary are corrected.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


se da cuenta



Se corrigen

They correct


Se me olvidó

I forgot


Se le cayó

He dropped it