Uses of "se" in Spanish Share Copied!
Learn the different uses of "se" in Spanish: reflexivo, recíproco, impersonal, pasiva refleja, intensificador, pronominal, and acción involuntaria.
Gramática: Usos del "se" en español
B1 Spanish Different uses of "se"
Level: B1
Module 6: Vivir en el extranjero (Living abroad)
Lesson 40: Barrera lingüística (Language barrier)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- "Se" can represent actions performed by the subject on themselves (reflexivo), among several people (recíproco), or without a defined subject (impersonal).
- Simplify the passive voice (pasiva refleja), intensify actions, and be part of the meaning of certain verbs.
- Indicate actions that occur unintentionally (acción involuntaria).
Uso del "se" | Fórmula | Ejemplo |
Reflexivo | Sujeto + se + verbo | Ana se explica la palabra. (Ana explains herself the word.) |
Recíproco | Sujetos (2+) + se + verbo | Ana y Pedro se corrigen el texto. (Ana and Pedro correct each other the text.) |
Impersonal | Se + verbo (3ª persona singular) | En esta clase se habla con fluidez. (In this class, one speaks fluently.) |
Pasiva refleja | Se + verbo (3ª persona singular/plural) + objeto | Se explican las frases en la clase. (The phrases are explained in the class.) |
Intensificador | Sujeto + se + verbo + objeto | Pedro se repite la frase para aprenderla. (Pedro repeats the phrase to learn it.) |
Pronominal | Sujeto + se (parte del verbo) + verbo | Ana se imagina la conversación. (Ana imagines the conversation.) |
Acción involuntaria | Se + objeto indirecto + verbo | Se me olvidó el vocabulario. (I forgot the vocabulary.) |
- Change of meaning with "se": Some verbs change meaning when "se" is added. ⇒ Example: quedar (agree) vs. quedarse (stay)
Exercise 1: Usos del "se" en español
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
se lava, Se corrigen, se da cuenta, Se me olvidó, se grita, se prepara, se queda, Se le cayó
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
se da cuenta
Se corrigen
They correct
Se me olvidó
I forgot
Se le cayó
He dropped it