Pretérito Imperfecto Share Copied!
Brief explanation of the use of the pretérito imperfecto.
Gramática: Pretérito Imperfecto I
B1 Spanish Imperfect past use cases I
Level: B1
Module 2: Medios de comunicación cotidianos (Everyday media)
Lesson 8: Periódicos y revistas (Newspapers and magazines)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- We use the pretérito imperfecto to express actions that were in progress in the past; without indicating their end.
- We use it to describe actions that used to occur habitually in the past.
- We also use it to describe what people, objects, or situations were like in the past.
Uso | Ejemplo |
Acciones en progreso | El periodista estaba escribiendo un artículo mientras el titular aparecía en la portada del periódico. (The journalist was writing an article while the headline appeared on the front page of the newspaper.) |
Rutinas o hábitos | Cuando era niño mi padre leía el periódico todos los días. (When I was a child my father read the newspaper every day.) |
Descripciones | La revista era persuasiva y la portada tenía imágenes impactantes. (The magazine was persuasive and the cover had striking images.) |
Exercise 1: Pretérito Imperfecto I
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
llamaba, escribía, se suscribía, transmitía, estaba, venía, publicaba, leía
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
he read
was writing
se suscribía
he subscribed