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Vocabulary (11)

 La noticia: The news (Spanish)

La noticia era relevante para los lectores que querían estar bien informados.


The news was relevant for readers who wanted to be well-informed. Show

La noticia


The news Show

 El artículo: The article (Spanish)

El artículo sobre innovaciones tecnológicas en el periódico era muy informativo.


The article about technological innovations in the newspaper was very informative. Show

El artículo


The article Show

 El periódico: The newspaper (Spanish)

Cuando era niño, mi abuelo siempre leía el periódico en la mañana para estar informado.


When I was a child, my grandfather always read the newspaper in the morning to stay informed. Show

El periódico


The newspaper Show

 Publicar (to publish) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Tú publicas imágenes en las redes sociales.


You publish images on social media. Show



To publish Show

 La revista: The magazine (Spanish)

Antes leía la revista semanal para estar informado.


I used to read the weekly magazine to stay informed. Show

La revista


The magazine Show

 El titular: The headline (Spanish)

El periodista siempre redactaba el titular de la noticia.


The journalist always wrote the headline of the news story. Show

El titular


The headline Show

 La portada: The cover (Spanish)

Cuando era joven, la portada del periódico me fascinaba.


When I was young, the newspaper cover fascinated me. Show

La portada


The cover Show

 El periodista: The journalist (Spanish)

La periodista tenía una columna influyente en la edición digital.


The journalist had an influential column in the digital edition. Show

El periodista


The journalist Show

 Suscribirse (to subscribe) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Vosotros os suscribís al canal que ofrece la mejor señal.


You subscribe to the channel that offers the best signal. Show



To subscribe Show

 La edición digital: The digital edition (Spanish)

Ayer leí la edición digital del periódico en casa.


Yesterday I read the online edition of the newspaper at home. Show

La edición digital


The digital edition Show

 Estar informado: Being informed (Spanish)

Antes leía el periódico para estar informado todos los días.


I used to read the newspaper to stay informed every day. Show

Estar informado


Being informed Show

Listening & reading materials

Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


El titular

The headline


La edición digital

The digital edition


El artículo

The article


Estar informado

Being informed


La noticia

The news

Exercise 2: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

nos suscribíamos, se suscribía, se suscribían, compraban, comprábamos, compraba, comprabas

Nosotros ... el programa para la televisión.
(We were buying the program for the television.)
Él ... la agenda relevante para el debate.
(He was buying the relevant agenda for the debate.)
Tú ... la hoja de reclamación en la feria.
(You used to buy the complaint form at the fair.)
En aquel entonces, ... a cualquier email relevante que llegaba.
(At that time, they subscribed to any relevant email that arrived.)
... a todas las conferencias cuando trabajábamos juntos.
(We subscribed to all the conferences when we worked together.)
Yo ... el sello para la carta.
(I was buying the stamp for the letter.)
Ellos ... los artículos para la conferencia.
(They were buying the items for the conference.)
Él siempre ... a propuestas interesantes en el telediario.
(He always subscribed to interesting proposals on the news.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (11): Verbs: 2, Nouns: 8, Sentences / word combination: 1
Context vocabulary: 4

Spanish English
Dictadura Dictatorship
El artículo The article
El periodista The journalist
El periódico The newspaper
El titular The headline
Estar informado Being informed
Estar informados To be informed
La edición digital The digital edition
La noticia The news
La portada The cover
La revista The magazine
Periodistas Journalists
Prensa Press
Publicar To publish
Suscribirse To subscribe

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Comprar to buy

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo compraba I was buying
tú comprabas You were buying
él/ella compraba he was buying
nosotros/nosotras comprábamos we used to buy
vosotros/vosotras comprabais you were buying
ellos/ellas compraban They were buying

Exercises and examples phrases

Suscribirse to subscribe

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo me suscribía I used to subscribe
tú te suscribías You used to subscribe
él/ella se suscribía He/she used to subscribe
nosotros/nosotras nos suscribíamos we subscribed
vosotros/vosotras os suscribíais You were subscribing
ellos/ellas se suscribían they subscribed

Exercises and examples phrases

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