Past imperfect of irregular verbs: "ser, ir, ver" Share Copied!
Clear and simple explanation about the imperfect tense of the irregular verbs "ser", "ir" and "ver".
Gramática: Pretérito imperfecto de los verbos irregulares: "ser, ir, ver“
B1 Spanish Imperfect past irregular verbs
Level: B1
Module 2: Medios de comunicación cotidianos (Everyday media)
Lesson 12: Música: ayer y hoy (Music: yesterday and today)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- In the imperfect past tense there are only three irregular verbs: "ser, ir, ver".
Pronombre | Ser | Ir | Ver | Ejemplo |
Yo | Era | Iba | Veía | El músico era muy famoso y siempre interpretaba canciones en vivo. (The musician was very famous and always performed songs live.) |
Tú | Eras | Ibas | Veías | Cuando eras niño siempre veías videoclips de canciones modernas. (When you were a child you always watched music videos of modern songs.) |
Él/ Ella/ Usted | Era | Iba | Veía | La canción que veía en el canal de música era parte del álbum clásico. (The song that I saw on the music channel was part of the classic album.) |
Nosotros/-as | Éramos | Íbamos | Veíamos | Íbamos a los conciertos de música clásica porque éramos fanáticos de las letras. (We went to classical music concerts because we were fans of the lyrics.) |
Vosotros/-as | Erais | Ibais | Veíais | Cuando erais jóvenes veíais siempre el canal de música para descubrir nuevas canciones. (When you were young, you always watched the music channel to discover new songs.) |
Ellos/-as/ Ustedes | Eran | Iban | Veían | Los miembros del grupo eran talentosos y siempre componían letras inolvidables. (The members of the group were talented and always composed unforgettable lyrics.) |
Exercise 1: Pretérito imperfecto de los verbos irregulares: "ser, ir, ver“
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
éramos, eran, íbamos, iba, ibais, veías, veíamos, era
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
we used to go
they watched
you watched
you used to go