Temporal expressions (A while ago, this week, this month,...) Share Copied!
Time expressions indicate when an action occurs, its duration, and how much time has passed since it happened.
Gramática: Expresiones temporales (Hace un rato, esta semana, este mes,...)
A2 Spanish Basic time expressions
Level: A2
Module 2: El buen pasado (The good old past)
Lesson 10: ¿Oíste las noticias? (Did you hear the news?)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- To talk about events that have happened in the recent past use "hace" + time.
- To talk about something that is happening currently, use "este/-a" + time.
- To talk about something that is happening now, you can also use "hoy". In this case, we do not include "este/-a".
- Time expressions are accompanied by verbs in the present perfect.
Expresión temporal | Ejemplo |
Hace un rato | He terminado de leer el anuncio hace un rato. (I finished reading the announcement a while ago.) |
Hace poco | Hace poco he descubierto una nueva publicidad. (Recently I have discovered a new advertisement.) |
Hace una media hora | Habéis vuelto del evento hace una media hora. (You came back from the event half an hour ago.) |
Hace un momento | ¿Has escuchado el anuncio hace un momento? (Have you heard the announcement a moment ago?) |
Esta semana | ¿Has descubierto nuevas publicidades esta semana? (Have you discovered any new advertisements this week?) |
Este mes | Este mes he vuelto a participar en un evento importante. (This month I have participated in an important event again.) |
Hoy | Hoy no he visto el anuncio. (Today I haven't seen the advert.) |
Exercise 1: Expresiones temporales (Hace un rato, esta semana, este mes,...)
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
hace un rato, hace poco, Hace un momento, desde hace un tiempo, desde siempre, esta semana, este mes, Hoy
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
hace poco
desde hace un tiempo
for some time now
este mes
this month