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"Acabar de" + infinitive: express a recently completed action.

"Acabar de" + infinitive is used to express a recently completed action, that is, one that has just been completed at this moment.

Gramática: "Acabar de" + infinitivo: expresar una acción recién completada.

A2 Spanish Recent events and past

Level: A2

Module 2: El buen pasado (The good old past)

Lesson 10: ¿Oíste las noticias? (Did you hear the news?)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. It is formed with: "acabar de" (simple present tense) + verb (infinitive).
  2. This construction is only used for immediate or recently completed actions in the past.
  3. It is not used with actions that occurred a long time ago.


PronombreAcabar de (presente simple)Ejemplo
YoAcabo deAcabo de terminar el libro hace un momento. (I have just finished the book a moment ago.)
Acabas deAcabas de llevarte un susto. (You’ve just had a fright.)
Él/Ella/UstedAcaba deAcaba de terminar con su tarea. (Has just finished your homework.)
Nosotros/-asAcabamos deAcabamos de descubrir algo increíble. (We have just discovered something incredible.)
Vosotros/-asAcabáis deAcabáis de notar una cosa inesperada. (You have just noticed something unexpected.)
Ellos/-as/UstedesAcaban deAcaban de enterarse del susto sorprendente. (They have just learned about the surprising scare.)

Exercise 1: "Acabar de" + infinitivo: expresar una acción recién completada.

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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Acaban de, acabamos de, Acabo de, Acabamos de, acaban de, Acabáis de, ¿Acabas de, Acaba de

1. Ellas:
... contarme una historia increíble.
(They have just told me an incredible story.)
2. Vosotras:
... enteraros de algo inesperado.
(You have just found out something unexpected.)
3. Ellos:
Hace unos momentos ... pensar en todo lo increíble que ha pasado.
(A few moments ago they just thought about all the incredible things that have happened.)
4. Yo:
... ver a tu madre.
(I've just seen your mum.)
5. Nosotros:
... vivir una sorpresa.
(We have just had a surprise.)
6. Nosotras:
Hace dos minutos ... llevarnos un susto.
(Two minutes ago we just had a scare.)
7. Tú:
... notar mi regalo?
(Have you just noticed my present?)
8. Él:
... enterarse de un evento sorprendente.
(He/She has just found out about a surprising event.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


¿Acabas de

Did you just


Acabáis de

You have just


Acaba de

He just


acabamos de

we have just