Venir (to come) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Conjugation of venir (to come) for all verb tenses with example phrases and exercises.

 Venir (to come) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Learning materials that implement this verb:

Level: A1

Module 1: Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Lesson 3: ¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?)

Basic verb forms

Infinitivo (Infinitive) Gerundio (Gerund) Participio (Participle)
Venir (to come) Viniendo (Coming) Venido (come)

Venir (to come): Verb conjugation tables

Indicativo (Indicative) Subjuntivo (Subjunctive)


Spanish English
yo vengo I come
tú vienes You come
él/ella viene he/she comes
nosotros/nosotras venimos we come
vosotros/vosotras venís you come
ellos/ellas vienen They come

Pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo he venido I have come
tú has venido You have come
él/ella ha venido He/She has come
nosotros/nosotras hemos venido we have come
vosotros/vosotras habéis venido You have come
ellos/ellas han venido They have come

Subjuntivo presente 

Spanish English
yo venga I come
tú vengas you come
él/ella venga he/she comes
nosotros/nosotras vengamos we come
vosotros/vosotras vengáis you come
ellos/ellas vengan they come

Subjuntivo pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo haya venido I have come
tú hayas venido you have come
él/ella haya venido he/she has come
nosotros/nosotras hayamos venido we may have come
vosotros/vosotras hayáis venido you all have come
ellos/ellas hayan venido they may have come

Pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo venía I was coming
tú venías you were coming
él/ella venía he/she was coming
nosotros/nosotras veníamos we were coming
vosotros/vosotras veníais you were coming
ellos/ellas venían they came

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo había venido I had come
tú habías venido you had come
él/ella había venido he had come
nosotros/nosotras habíamos venido we had come
vosotros/vosotras habíais venido you had come
ellos/ellas habían venido They had come

Subjuntivo pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo viniera/viniese I came
tú vinieras/vinieses you came
él/ella viniera/viniese he came
nosotros/nosotras viniéramos/viniésemos we came
vosotros/vosotras vinierais/vinieseis you came
ellos/ellas vinieran/viniesen they came

Subjuntivo pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo hubiera/hubiese venido I would have come
tú hubieras/hubieses venido you had come
él/ella hubiera/hubiese venido he had come
nosotros/nosotras hubiéramos/hubiésemos venido We would have come
vosotros/vosotras hubierais/hubieseis venido you would have come
ellos/ellas hubieran/hubiesen venido they had come

Pretérito indefinido 

Spanish English
yo vine I came
tú viniste You came
él/ella vino he came
nosotros/nosotras vinimos we came
vosotros/vosotras vinisteis you came
ellos/ellas vinieron They came

Pretérito anterior 

Spanish English
yo hube venido I had come
tú hubiste venido you had come
él/ella hubo venido He had come
nosotros/nosotras hubimos venido we had come
vosotros/vosotras hubisteis venido you had come
ellos/ellas hubieron venido they had come

Subjuntivo futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo viniere I would come
tú vinieres you would come
él/ella viniere he would come
nosotros/nosotras viniéremos we will come
vosotros/vosotras viniereis you will come
ellos/ellas vinieren they would come

Subjuntivo futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo hubiere venido I will have come
tú hubieres venido you will have come
él/ella hubiere venido he/she will have come
nosotros/nosotras hubiéremos venido we will have come
vosotros/vosotras hubiereis venido you will have come
ellos/ellas hubieren venido They will have come

Futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo vendré I will come
tú vendrás You will come
él/ella vendrá He/She will come
nosotros/nosotras vendremos we will come
vosotros/vosotras vendréis you will come
ellos/ellas vendrán they will come

Futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo habré venido I will have come
tú habrás venido You will have come
él/ella habrá venido he will have come
nosotros/nosotras habremos venido We will have come
vosotros/vosotras habréis venido you will have come
ellos/ellas habrán venido They will have come
Imperativo (Imperative)


Spanish English
¡Ven! Come!
¡Venga! Come on!
¡Vengamos! Let's come
¡Venid! You (plural) come!
¡Vengan! They come

Imperativo negativo 

Spanish English
You do not come
¡No vengas! Do not come.
¡No venga! Let's not come
¡No vengamos! You all do not come
¡No vengáis! Do not come!

Condicional simple 

Spanish English
yo vendría I would come
tú vendrías You would come
él/ella vendría he/she would come
nosotros/nosotras vendríamos we would come
vosotros/vosotras vendríais you would come
ellos/ellas vendrían They would come

Condicional perfecto 

Spanish English
yo habría venido I would have come
tú habrías venido You would have come
él/ella habría venido he would have come
nosotros/nosotras habríamos venido We would have come
vosotros/vosotras habríais venido you would have come
ellos/ellas habrían venido They would have come

Present and future tenses: A1

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. They come to listen to the singer.
Ellos vienen a escuchar al cantante.
2. I come from the art museum.
Yo vengo del museo de arte.
3. I will come from France to Spain.
Vendré de francia a españa.
4. He comes to the concert with his friend.
Él viene al concierto con su amigo.
5. You come to dance at the disco.
Vosotros venís a bailar a la discoteca.

Basic past tenses (A2/B1)

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

Basic subjunctive exercises: B1

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

viniera, vinieran, vinieras, vinierais

Desearía que él ... de alemania.
(I wish he would come from Germany.)
Si ... a españa, hablarías conmigo.
(If you came to Spain, you would speak with me.)
Si ... de suiza, hablarían alemán y francés.
(If they were to come from Switzerland, they would speak German and French.)
Si ... de noruega, conoceríais oslo.
(If you were to come from Norway, you would know Oslo.)
Si ... de francia, aprendería español.
(If I were coming from France, I would learn Spanish.)

Advanced exercises: C1/C2

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. Where would you have come from, Germany?
¿de dónde hubieras/hubieses venido, de alemania?
2. I hope he has come from Spain.
Espero que haya venido de españa.
3. If you had come from Portugal, you would be Portuguese.
Si hubierais/hubieseis venido de portugal, seríais portugueses.
4. Had you already come from Italy?
¿hubisteis venido ya de italia?
5. If I had come from France, I would speak French.
Si hubiera/hubiese venido de francia, hablaría francés.