Venir (to come) - Verb conjugation and exercises Share Copied!
Conjugation of venir (to come) for all verb tenses with example phrases and exercises.

Learning materials that implement this verb:
Level: A1
Module 1: Presentarse (To introduce oneself)
Lesson 3: ¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?)
Basic verb forms
Infinitivo (Infinitive) | Gerundio (Gerund) | Participio (Participle) |
Venir (to come) | Viniendo (Coming) | Venido (come) |
Venir (to come): Verb conjugation tables
Indicativo (Indicative) | Subjuntivo (Subjunctive) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PresenteShare Copied!
Pretérito perfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo presenteShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pretérito perfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito imperfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito pluscuamperfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pretérito imperfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pluscuamperfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito indefinidoShare Copied!
Pretérito anteriorShare Copied!
Subjuntivo futuro simpleShare Copied!
Subjuntivo futuro perfectoShare Copied!
Futuro simpleShare Copied!
Futuro perfectoShare Copied!
Condicional simpleShare Copied!
Condicional perfectoShare Copied!
Present and future tenses: A1
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
They come to listen to the singer.
Ellos vienen a escuchar al cantante.
I come from the art museum.
Yo vengo del museo de arte.
I will come from France to Spain.
Vendré de francia a españa.
He comes to the concert with his friend.
Él viene al concierto con su amigo.
You come to dance at the disco.
Vosotros venís a bailar a la discoteca.
Basic past tenses (A2/B1)
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
Basic subjunctive exercises: B1
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.
viniera, vinieran, vinieras, vinierais
Desearía que él ... de alemania.
(I wish he would come from Germany.)
Si ... a españa, hablarías conmigo.
(If you came to Spain, you would speak with me.)
Si ... de suiza, hablarían alemán y francés.
(If they were to come from Switzerland, they would speak German and French.)
Si ... de noruega, conoceríais oslo.
(If you were to come from Norway, you would know Oslo.)
Si ... de francia, aprendería español.
(If I were coming from France, I would learn Spanish.)
Advanced exercises: C1/C2
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
Where would you have come from, Germany?
¿de dónde hubieras/hubieses venido, de alemania?
I hope he has come from Spain.
Espero que haya venido de españa.
If you had come from Portugal, you would be Portuguese.
Si hubierais/hubieseis venido de portugal, seríais portugueses.
Had you already come from Italy?
¿hubisteis venido ya de italia?
If I had come from France, I would speak French.
Si hubiera/hubiese venido de francia, hablaría francés.