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Spanish A2.11: Childhood and memories - recap exercises

These exercises can be made together with the teacher to start the lesson.

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These exercises repeat the last 5 lessons and can be done at the start of the lesson or as homework to prepare the lesson.

Exercise 1: Grammar recap exercise (last 5 lessons)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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por, te pierdas, Acabo de, toques, para

1. Tocar (Tú):
¡No ... las llaves de otras habitaciones!
(Do not touch the keys to other rooms!)
El servicio está cancelado ... todos los turistas mañana.
(The service is cancelled for all tourists tomorrow.)
Perderse (Tú): ¡No ... en la ciudad sin mirar un plano!
(Don't get lost in the city without looking at a map!)
Vamos a recoger el coche alquilado ... la noche.
(We are going to pick up the hired car at night.)
5. Yo:
... terminar un libro.
(I have just finished a book.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.



To check



To get lost


Este mes

This month


Ir de tiendas

Go shopping


Hace poco


Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

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no parezca, no parezcan, no sean, he vuelto, no tengas

¡... cansados durante el viaje!
(Do not seem tired during the journey!)
¡... roto el carné de conducir!
(Do not have the driving licence broken!)
Hoy yo ... a subir la montaña.
(Today I have climbed the mountain again.)
¡... tan preocupado, todo saldrá bien!
(Don't look so worried, everything will be fine!)
¡... desorganizados con el equipaje!
(Don't be disorganized with the luggage!)

Exercise 4: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. No te pierdas, mira un plano en la oficina de turismo para encontrar la dirección correcta.
Don't get lost, look at a map in the tourist office to find the right direction.
2. El recepcionista fue muy amable durante nuestro tiempo en el hotel.
The receptionist was very kind during our time at the hotel.
3. Hace poco descubrieron un orfanato misterioso en el valle.
Just now, they discovered a mysterious orphanage in the valley.
4. Hace un rato, terminaste de descubrir algo increíble en el evento.
A short while ago, you finished discovering something amazing at the event.
5. ¡no se registre en el hostal sin confirmar la reserva!
do not check in at the hostel without confirming the reservation!