Spanish B1 module 4: Estilo de vida saludable (Healthy lifestyle)
This is learning module 4 of 6 of our Spanish B1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: B1
Learning goals:
- Habla sobre la salud y los hábitos para una buena vida. (Talk about health and habits for a good life.)
- Dar instrucciones. (Giving instructions.)
- Voz pasiva. (Passive voice.)
Word list (108)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 18,
Adjectives: 9,
Adverbs: 1,
Nouns: 55,
Sentences / word combination: 9
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Abrazarse | To embrace |
Adelgazar | To lose weight |
Alimentarse | To feed oneself |
Caerse | To fall down |
Cirujana | Heart surgeon |
Contagiado | Infected |
Contagiarse | To catch |
Contener | To contain |
Curar | To cure |
Darse cuenta | To realize |
Debería | Should |
Doblarse | To bend over |
El alcohol | The alcohol |
El alta | The discharge |
El amor propio | Self-love |
El antibiótico | The antibiotic |
El análisis de sangre | The blood test |
El autocuidado | Self-care |
El cirujano | The surgeon |
El codo | The elbow |
El corazón | The heart |
El corte | The cut |
El dentista | The dentist |
El diabético | The diabetic |
El equilibrio | Balance |
El especialista | The consultant |
El exceso | Excess |
El fisio | The physio |
El ginecólogo | The gynaecologist |
El hierro | The iron |
El hueso | The bone |
El médico de guardia | The doctor on call |
El músculo | The muscle |
El oculista | The optician |
El paciente | The patient |
El pecho | The chest |
El psicólogo | The psychologist |
El pulmón | The lung |
El régimen | The diet |
El termómetro | The thermometer |
El tobillo | The ankle |
El virus | The virus |
Encontrarse | To find oneself |
Engordar | To gain weight |
Es | I think that the physio is the best option to treat muscle pain. |
Especialidad | Specialty |
Estar acostado | Lying down |
Estar levantado | Being upright |
Estresado | Stressed |
Esté | He is |
Farmaceutico | Pharmaceutical |
Fatal | Fatal |
Fumar | To smoke |
Haya | Has |
Hizo | He did |
Ingresar | Enrol |
Ir de tapas | Going for tapas |
La alimentación | The nutrition |
La aspirina | The aspirin |
La bacteria | The bacterium |
La baja | The sick leave |
La barriga | The belly |
La cintura | The waist |
La clínica | The clinic |
La consulta | The consultation |
La depresión | The depression |
La enfermedad | The illness |
La fibra | The fibre |
La ginecóloga | The gynaecologist |
La herida | The wound |
La higiene | The hygiene |
La infección | The infection |
La muñeca | The wrist |
La necesidad | The need |
La pantalla | The screen |
La pastilla | The pill |
La piel | The skin |
La quemadura | The burn |
La revisión | The check-up |
La rodilla | The knee |
La tos | The cough |
La vacuna | The vaccine |
Las calorías | The calories |
Las gotas | The drops |
Las proteínas | The proteins |
Las vitaminas | The vitamins |
Mareado | Dizzy |
Mental | Mental |
Mover | To move |
Moverlas | Move them |
Mucho | A lot |
Médica | Medical |
Médica de guardia | On-call doctor |
Médico | Doctor |
Nutritivo | Nutritious |
Proteger | To protect |
Puede | Can |
Pulmones | Lungs |
Quemar calorías | Burn calories |
Recuperarse | To recover |
Resfriado | Cold |
Respirar | To breathe |
Romperse | To break |
Saltar | To jump |
Sea | Is |
Tenga | Has |
Tiene | He has |
Tomar el sol | Sunbathe |