Spanish B1 module 3: Sueños (Dreams)
This is learning module 3 of 6 of our Spanish B1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: B1
Learning goals:
- Expresa tus deseos y anhelos en la vida. (Express your desires and wishes in life.)
- Tiempo condicional. (Conditional tense.)
Word list (82)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 17,
Adjectives: 17,
Nouns: 32,
Sentences / word combination: 15
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Almuerzo Valenciano | Valencian Lunch |
Ambicioso | Ambitious |
América | America |
Aprovechar | To take advantage of |
Asia | Asia |
Aventurero | Adventurous |
Coleccionar | To collect |
Complicado | Complicated |
Conseguir | To get |
Constante | Constant |
Crecer | To grow |
Depender | To depend |
Desempleado | Unemployed |
Despedir | To fire |
Difícil | Difficult |
Económico | Economical |
Educado | Polite |
El aniversario | The anniversary |
El ayudante | The assistant |
El bricolaje | The DIY |
El bufete | The law firm |
El continente | The continent |
El crucero | The cruise |
El crucigrama | The crossword |
El departamento | The flat |
El doctorado | The doctorate |
El globo | The balloon |
El hábito | The habit |
El laboratorio | The laboratory |
El miedo | The fear |
El nacimiento | The birth |
El oficio | The trade |
El pasatiempo | The pastime |
El premio | The prize |
El safari | The safari |
El sentido del humor | The sense of humour |
Equivocarse | To make a mistake |
Estar en paz | To be at peace |
Europa | Europe |
Experimentar | To experience |
Explorar | To explore |
Fácil | Easy |
Hablar | To speak |
Jubilado | Retired |
La boda | The wedding |
La calidad de vida | The quality of life |
La caravana | The caravan |
La carrera profesional | The professional career |
La despedida de soltero | Bachelor party |
La disciplina | The discipline |
La estabilidad laboral | The job stability |
La jardinería | The gardening |
La maratón | The marathon |
La meta | The goal |
La muerte | The death |
La paciencia | The patience |
La persona | The person |
La pintura | The painting |
Licenciado | Graduate |
Llorar | To cry |
Lograr | To achieve |
Marcharse | To leave |
Oceanía | Oceania |
Paciente | Patient |
Personal | Personal |
Por suerte | Fortunately |
Quedarse | To stay |
Raro | Rare |
Recordado | Remembered |
Reflexionar | To reflect |
Sencillo | Simple |
Ser aficionado | To be an enthusiast |
Ser buena persona | Being a good person |
Ser un ejemplo | To be an example |
Ser un éxito | To be a success |
Subirse | To get on |
Superar | To overcome |
Tener carácter | Have character |
Tener estudios | To be educated |
Tener ilusión | To have hope |
Vivir con propósito | Live with purpose |
Único | Unique |