Spanish A2 module 5: Planes para el futuro (Future Plans)
This is learning module 5 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A2
Learning goals:
- Planes para el futuro (Plans for the future)
- Hablando sobre diferentes escenarios de vida (Talking about different life scenarios)
- Tiempo condicional presente. (Present conditional tense.)
Word list (110)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 18,
Adjectives: 8,
Adverbs: 3,
Interjection: 1,
Nouns: 28,
Sentences / word combination: 20
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Académica | Academic life |
Académico | Academic |
Adivinar | To guess |
Alguno | Some |
Ambueblado | Furnished |
Antigua | Oldest |
Aprobar | To pass |
Arriesgarse | Taking the risk |
Asistiendo | Attending |
Asistir | To attend |
Buscar piso | To search for a flat |
Caber | To fit |
Cabrán | Will fit |
Cambiarse de casa | Moving house |
Casarse | To marry |
Crean | They create |
Crear | To create |
Crear | Create |
Cumplir deseos | Making dreams come true |
Cursos | Academic courses |
Daremos el paso | We will take the step |
Daré el paso | Then, I will take the step. |
Decidir | Deciding |
Decidirá | He will decide |
Desean | They wish |
Desear | To desire |
Deseas | Do you want |
Deseos | Desires |
Divorciarse | To divorce |
El anuncio | The announcement |
El aula | The classroom |
El barrio | The neighbourhood |
El colegio | The school |
El comienzo | The beginning |
El contrato de alquiler | The tenancy agreement |
El curso | The course |
El deseo | The desire |
El empresario | The entrepreneur |
El ex marido | The ex-husband |
El final | The end |
El futuro | The future |
El maletín | The briefcase |
El objetivo | The objective |
El plan | The plan |
El practicante | The trainee |
El riesgo | The risk |
El sueño | The dream |
En una hora | In an hour |
Esperamos | We are waiting for |
Esperan | Wait |
Esperanza de vida | Life expectancy |
Esperar | To wait |
Estar jubilado | To be retired |
Firmar una hipoteca | To sign a mortgage |
Formar una familia | Start a family |
Ganar experiencia en | To gain experience in |
Graduaron | They graduated |
Graduarse | To graduate |
Hacerse | To become |
Imposible | Impossible |
Improbable | Unlikely |
La academia | The academy |
La duda | The doubt |
La esperanza | The hope |
La habilidad | The ability |
La idea | The idea |
La inmobiliaria | The real estate agency |
La mascota | The pet |
La pareja | The couple |
La posibilidad | The possibility |
La publicidad | The advertising |
La residencia temporal | The temporary residence |
Las prácticas | The internships |
Lista de cosas que hacer | List of things to do |
Listas de cosas que hacer | Lists of things to do |
Los ahorros | The savings |
Los gastos de comunidad | Community charges |
Mascotas | Pets |
Objetivos | Goals |
Pagar la matricula | Pay the tuition fee |
Paisajes | Landscapes |
Parejas | Partners |
Pensar | Think |
Pensaré | I will think |
Planificado | Planned |
Planifican | They plan well their route. |
Planificar | To plan |
Planificaré | I will plan |
Por todo el mundo | Around the world |
Posibilidades | Possibilities |
Posible | Possible |
Probable | Likely |
Probablemente | Probably |
Problemática | Problematic |
Problemático | Problematic |
Próximo | Next |
Querer ser | To want to be |
Quizás | Perhaps |
Realizar | Fulfill |
Realizarán | Will perform |
Reformar | To renovate |
Sanos | Healthy |
Soñar con | To dream of |
Suspender | To fail |
Tal vez | Maybe |
Tener un hijo | To have a child |
Tener un negocio | To run a business |
Unidad | Unity |
Vivir de alquiler | To rent a home |
Vivir juntos | Living together |