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Spanish A2 module 5: Planes para el futuro (Future Plans)

This is learning module 5 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.

Full learning program: A2

Learning goals:

  • Planes para el futuro (Plans for the future)
  • Hablando sobre diferentes escenarios de vida (Talking about different life scenarios)
  • Tiempo condicional presente. (Present conditional tense.)

Word list (110)

Core vocabulary (78): Verbs: 18, Adjectives: 8, Adverbs: 3, Interjection: 1, Nouns: 28, Sentences / word combination: 20
Context vocabulary: 32

Spanish English
Académica Academic life
Académico Academic
Adivinar To guess
Alguno Some
Ambueblado Furnished
Antigua Oldest
Aprobar To pass
Arriesgarse Taking the risk
Asistiendo Attending
Asistir To attend
Buscar piso To search for a flat
Caber To fit
Cabrán Will fit
Cambiarse de casa Moving house
Casarse To marry
Crean They create
Crear To create
Crear Create
Cumplir deseos Making dreams come true
Cursos Academic courses
Daremos el paso We will take the step
Daré el paso Then, I will take the step.
Decidir Deciding
Decidirá He will decide
Desean They wish
Desear To desire
Deseas Do you want
Deseos Desires
Divorciarse To divorce
El anuncio The announcement
El aula The classroom
El barrio The neighbourhood
El colegio The school
El comienzo The beginning
El contrato de alquiler The tenancy agreement
El curso The course
El deseo The desire
El empresario The entrepreneur
El ex marido The ex-husband
El final The end
El futuro The future
El maletín The briefcase
El objetivo The objective
El plan The plan
El practicante The trainee
El riesgo The risk
El sueño The dream
En una hora In an hour
Esperamos We are waiting for
Esperan Wait
Esperanza de vida Life expectancy
Esperar To wait
Estar jubilado To be retired
Firmar una hipoteca To sign a mortgage
Formar una familia Start a family
Ganar experiencia en To gain experience in
Graduaron They graduated
Graduarse To graduate
Hacerse To become
Imposible Impossible
Improbable Unlikely
La academia The academy
La duda The doubt
La esperanza The hope
La habilidad The ability
La idea The idea
La inmobiliaria The real estate agency
La mascota The pet
La pareja The couple
La posibilidad The possibility
La publicidad The advertising
La residencia temporal The temporary residence
Las prácticas The internships
Lista de cosas que hacer List of things to do
Listas de cosas que hacer Lists of things to do
Los ahorros The savings
Los gastos de comunidad Community charges
Mascotas Pets
Objetivos Goals
Pagar la matricula Pay the tuition fee
Paisajes Landscapes
Parejas Partners
Pensar Think
Pensaré I will think
Planificado Planned
Planifican They plan well their route.
Planificar To plan
Planificaré I will plan
Por todo el mundo Around the world
Posibilidades Possibilities
Posible Possible
Probable Likely
Probablemente Probably
Problemática Problematic
Problemático Problematic
Próximo Next
Querer ser To want to be
Quizás Perhaps
Realizar Fulfill
Realizarán Will perform
Reformar To renovate
Sanos Healthy
Soñar con To dream of
Suspender To fail
Tal vez Maybe
Tener un hijo To have a child
Tener un negocio To run a business
Unidad Unity
Vivir de alquiler To rent a home
Vivir juntos Living together