Spanish A2 module 1: Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)
This is learning module 1 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A2
Learning goals:
- Manejar situaciones comunes mientras se viaja. (Manage common situations while travelling.)
- Consolidar los tiempos verbales de A1 con verbos irregulares. (Consolidate A1 verb tenses with irregular verbs.)
Word list (153)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 13,
Adjectives: 11,
Nouns: 48,
Sentences / word combination: 25
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Abrocharme | Fasten my |
Abrocharse | To fasten |
Abróchense | Fasten your seatbelts |
Agencias de viajes | Travel agencies |
Albergue | Hostel |
Alquiladas | Rented |
Alquilado | Rented |
Alquilar | Rent |
Amable | Kind |
Aviones | Planes |
Bicicleta | Bicycle |
Buscan | They are looking for |
Buscar | Search |
Cancelada | Cancelled |
Cancelado | Cancelled |
Check out | Check-out |
Coger un taxi | Catch a taxi |
Compran un billete | They buy a ticket |
Comprar un billete | Buy a ticket |
Comprobar | To check |
Confirma | It confirms |
Confirmado | Confirmed |
Confirmar | To confirm |
Consultar un mapa | Consult a map |
Demasiado | Too |
Descansa | She rests |
Descansar | To rest |
Deshacer | Unpack |
El aeropuerto | The airport |
El alojamiento | The accommodation |
El alojamiento y desayuno | The bed and breakfast |
El bañador | The swimsuit |
El biquini | The bikini |
El bolso | The bag |
El camping | The campsite |
El carné de conducir | The driving licence |
El carné de identidad | The identity card |
El cinturón de seguridad | The seatbelt |
El control de seguridad | Security check |
El equipaje | The luggage |
El guía turístico | The tour guide |
El hostal | The hostel |
El monumento | The monument |
El mostrador | The counter |
El pasaporte | The passport |
El piloto | The pilot |
El problema | The problem |
El recepcionista | The receptionist |
El seguro de viaje | The travel insurance |
El servicio | The service |
El socorro | The help |
El teléfono | The telephone |
El teléfono de emergencia | The emergency telephone number |
El turista | The tourist |
El viaje | The journey |
El viaje corto | The short trip |
El vuelo | The flight |
Excursiones guiadas | Guided tours |
Facturan | They check in |
Facturar | Check in |
Gastado todo el dinero | Spent all the money |
Gastan dinero | They spend money |
Gastar dinero | Spend money |
Gastes mucho dinero | You don't spend much money |
Habitaciones | Rooms |
Habitaciones individuales | Single rooms |
Hacen el check in | They check in |
Hacen el check out | They check out |
Hacen una excursión | Take a trip |
Hacen una reserva | They make a booking |
Hacer el check in | To check in |
Hacer el check out | To check out |
Hacer una foto | Take a photo |
Hacer una reserva | To make a reservation |
Haz la reserva | Make the reservation |
He comprado un billete | I have bought a ticket |
Incluido | Included |
Instrucciones | Instructions |
Ir de paseo | To go for a stroll |
Ir de viaje | To go on a trip |
Irse de vacaciones | To go on holiday |
La agencia de viajes | The travel agency |
La azafata | The flight attendant |
La comisaría de policía | The police station |
La devolución | The return |
La dirección | The address |
La entrada | The entrance |
La excursión | The excursion |
La gorra | The baseball cap |
La habitación doble | The double room |
La habitación individual | The single room |
La instrucción | The instruction |
La llave | The key |
La maleta | The suitcase |
La media pensión | The half board |
La mochila | The backpack |
La oficina de turismo | The tourism office |
La pensión completa | The full board |
La plaza mayor | The main square |
La página web | The website |
La recepción | The reception |
La ropa interior | The underwear |
La salida | The exit |
La solución | The solution |
La toalla | The towel |
Las gafas de sol | The sunglasses |
Llaves | Keys |
Llenar | To pack |
Lugares turísticos | Tourist destinations |
Maletas | Suitcases |
Mandar una postal | Send a postcard |
Me he perdido | I'm lost |
Mira un plano | Look at a map |
Mirar el plano | Look at the map |
Mirar un plano | To look at a map |
Mirar un plano de metro | To look at a tube map |
Montar en bicicleta | Ride a bicycle |
Pedido ayuda | Have you asked for help |
Pedir ayuda | Ask for help |
Pedirle ayuda | Ask him for help |
Perderse | To get lost |
Perdido | Lost |
Ponerse cómodo | To make yourself comfortable |
Problema | Problem |
Páginas web | Websites |
Pónganse cómodos | Make yourselves comfortable |
Póngase cómodo | Make yourself comfortable |
Registrarse | To register |
Relajado | Relaxed |
Relajarse | To relax |
Reserva | Book |
Reservado | Reserved |
Reservar | To book |
Robado | Stolen |
Robar | To steal |
Roto | Broken |
Rotos | Broken |
Sabe | She doesn't know |
Se ha perdido | He has got lost |
Se registra | She registers |
Se registran | They check in |
Seguir | To follow |
Siga | Follow |
Tener planes | To have plans |
Terminales | Terminals |
Tiene planes | He has plans |
Tienes planes | Do you have plans |
Turistas | Tourists |
Ver una exposición | To visit an exhibition |
Viaja | He travels |
Viajeros | Travellers |
Visitar | To visit |
Útil | Useful |