Spanish A1 module 1: Presentarse (To introduce oneself)
This is learning module 1 of 6 of our Spanish A1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A1
Learning goals:
- Preséntate y pide información. (Introduce yourself and ask for information.)
- Haciendo preguntas básicas. (Asking basic questions.)
- Números básicos. (Basic numbers.)
- Introducción a los verbos. (Introduction to verbs.)
Word list (204)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 25,
Adjectives: 2,
Interjection: 13,
Nouns: 98,
Questions: 3,
Sentences / word combination: 2
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Abogada | Lawyer |
Abuelos | Grandparents |
Adiós | Goodbye |
Alemania | Germany |
Alemán | German |
Apellidan | Are called |
Apellidos | Surnames |
Besos | Kisses |
Buenas noches | Good evening |
Buenas tardes | Good afternoon |
Buenos días | Good morning |
Bélgica | Belgium |
Celebra | She celebrates |
Celebrar | To celebrate |
Cien | One hundred |
Cinco | Five |
Cincuenta | Fifty |
Comprender | To understand |
Contacta | Contacts |
Contactamos | We contacted |
Contactar | To contact |
Contactas | You contact |
Contar | To count |
Cuarenta | Forty |
Cuatro | Four |
Cumple | Ana's birthday is on the fifth of March. |
Cumpleañero | Birthday person |
Cumpleaños Feliz | Happy Birthday |
Cumplen | Turn |
Cumplir | To fulfill |
Cumplo | I turn |
Cómo estás | How are you? |
Damos la mano | We shake hands |
Decir | To say |
Dedicarse a | To engage in |
Despedirse | To say goodbye |
Dice | He says |
Diez | Ten |
Dinamarca | Denmark |
Divides | If you divide one hundred by ten, the result is exactly ten. |
Dividir | To divide |
Dos | Two |
Dónde | Where |
El Reino Unido | The United Kingdom |
El abogado | The lawyer |
El abuelo | The grandfather |
El amigo | The friend |
El apellido | The last name |
El apodo | The nickname |
El bombero | The firefighter |
El camarero | The waiter |
El chico | The boy |
El cocinero | The cook |
El conductor | The driver |
El contacto | The contact |
El correo electrónico | The email |
El cumpleaños | The birthday |
El código postal | The postcode |
El director | The director |
El empleado | The employee |
El enfermero | The nurse |
El estudiante | The student |
El gerente | The manager |
El hermano | The brother |
El hijo | The son |
El idioma | The language |
El ingeniero | The engineer |
El lugar de nacimiento | Place of birth |
El marido | The husband |
El mecánico | The mechanic |
El médico | The doctor |
El móvil | The mobile |
El nombre | The name |
El novio | The boyfriend |
El número | The number |
El número de teléfono | The telephone number |
El padre | The father |
El país | The country |
El peluquero | The hairdresser |
El periodista | The journalist |
El policía | The policeman |
El prefijo | The prefix |
El primo | The cousin |
El profesor | The professor |
El regalo | The gift |
El señor | The gentleman |
El trabajo | The work |
El tío | The uncle |
Encantado | Delighted |
Enfermero | Nurse |
Envías | You send |
Escribes | You write |
Escribir | To write |
España | Spain |
Español | Spanish |
Estar | To be |
Estoy | I am |
Estudia | She studies |
Estudiar | To study |
Estudias | Do you study |
Estudio | I study |
Finlandia | Finland |
Francia | France |
Gracias | Thank you |
Hasta luego | See you later |
Hermanos | Brothers |
Hola | Hello |
Idiomas | Languages |
Italia | Italy |
Joven | Young |
La abuela | The grandmother |
La arroba | The at sign |
La avenida | The avenue |
La calle | The street |
La capital | The capital |
La chica | The girl |
La ciudad | The city |
La comida familiar | The family meal |
La edad | The age |
La familia | The family |
La fecha de nacimiento | The birthdate |
La fiesta | The party |
La hermana | The sister |
La hija | The daughter |
La madre | The mother |
La mujer | The woman |
La nacionalidad | Nationality |
La prima | The cousin |
La señora | The lady |
La tarta | The cake |
La tía | The aunt |
Llaman | Call |
Llamarse | To be called |
Llamo | Call |
Los Países Bajos | The Netherlands |
Los años | The years |
Los familiares | The relatives |
Los padres | The parents |
Los regalos | The gifts |
Luego | Later |
Lugar y fecha de nacimiento | Place and date of birth |
Me llamo | My name is |
Mucho gusto | Nice to meet you |
Multiplicar | To multiply |
Nacer | To be born |
Noruega | Norway |
Nos vemos | See you |
Noventa | Ninety |
Noventa y nueve | Ninety-nine |
Nueve | Nine |
Ochenta | Eighty |
Ocho | Eight |
Peluquera | Hairdresser |
Polonia | Poland |
Portugal | Portugal |
Practicar | To practise |
Practicas | You practise |
Prepara | Prepares |
Preparan | They prepare |
Preparar | To prepare |
Presentarse | To introduce oneself |
Primos | Cousins |
Profesora | Teacher |
Región | Region |
Restar | To subtract |
Restas | You subtract |
Saludos | Greetings |
Se presenta | He introduces himself |
Seis | Six |
Ser | To be |
Sesenta | Sixty |
Setenta | Seventy |
Siete | Seven |
Soltero | Single |
Suecia | Sweden |
Suiza | Switzerland |
Sumar | To add |
Sumas | You add |
Te dedicas | Do you do for a living |
Te llamas | You called |
Tener | To have |
Tengo | I have |
Tienes | You have |
Trabaja | She works |
Trabajar | Work |
Treinta | Thirty |
Tres | Three |
Tías | Aunts |
Tíos | Uncles |
Un placer | A pleasure |
Uno | One |
Usas | You use |
Veinte | Twenty |
Venir | To come |
Vive | Does your family live |
Viven | They live |
Vivir | To live |
¡Felicidades! | Congratulations! |
¡Feliz cumpleaños! | Happy birthday! |
¿Cuántos años tienes? | How old are you? |
¿Cómo estás? | How are you? |
¿Cómo te llamas? | What is your name? |
¿De dónde eres? | Where are you from? |
¿Qué tal? | How are you? |