Verbs to express feelings with the indicative and subjunctive Share Copied!
We learn to use verbs that express feelings with the indicative and subjunctive moods.
Gramática: Verbos para expresar sentimientos con el indicativo y subjuntivo
B1 Spanish Express feelings with indicative and subjunctive moods
Level: B1
Module 1: Charlas y conversaciones (Chit chat and conversations)
Lesson 7: Debates y opiniones (Let's debate!)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- Use the indicative mood when the subject is the same.
- Use the subjunctive mood when we use two different subjects.
Expresión | Modo | Ejemplo |
Me irrita | Subjuntivo | Me irrita que el argumento sea tan controversial. (It irritates me that the argument is so controversial.) |
Es intolerable | Es intolerable que no defiendas tu punto de vista. (It is intolerable that you do not defend your point of view.) | |
Me entristece | Me entristece que nadie quiera decir su opinión. (It saddens me that nobody wants to express their opinion.) | |
Me alegra | Indicativo | Me alegra saber que mi perspectiva es relevante para el debate. (I'm glad to know that my perspective is relevant to the debate.) |
Me molesta | Me molesta debatir cuando no se respetan las diferentes perspectivas. (I find it annoying to debate when different perspectives are not respected.) | |
Me da (vergüenza) | Me da vergüenza debatir cuando no tengo un buen argumento. (I feel embarrassed to debate when I do not have a good argument.) |
Exercise 1: Verbos para expresar sentimientos con el indicativo y subjuntivo
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
defienda, tengas, debatan, participe, escuchen, participes
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
you participate
you have
they listen