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Verbs to express feelings with the indicative and subjunctive

We learn to use verbs that express feelings with the indicative and subjunctive moods.

Gramática: Verbos para expresar sentimientos con el indicativo y subjuntivo

B1 Spanish Express feelings with indicative and subjunctive moods

Level: B1

Module 1: Charlas y conversaciones (Chit chat and conversations)

Lesson 7: Debates y opiniones (Let's debate!)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations

  1. Use the indicative mood when the subject is the same.
  2. Use the subjunctive mood when we use two different subjects.
Me irritaSubjuntivoMe irrita que el argumento sea tan controversial. (It irritates me that the argument is so controversial.)
Es intolerableEs intolerable que no defiendas tu punto de vista. (It is intolerable that you do not defend your point of view.)
Me entristeceMe entristece que nadie quiera decir su opinión.  (It saddens me that nobody wants to express their opinion.)
Me alegraIndicativoMe alegra saber que mi perspectiva es relevante para el debate. (I'm glad to know that my perspective is relevant to the debate.)
Me molestaMe molesta debatir cuando no se respetan las diferentes perspectivas. (I find it annoying to debate when different perspectives are not respected.)
Me da (vergüenza)Me da vergüenza debatir cuando no tengo un buen argumento. (I feel embarrassed to debate when I do not have a good argument.)

Exercise 1: Verbos para expresar sentimientos con el indicativo y subjuntivo

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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defienda, tengas, debatan, participe, escuchen, participes

1. Escuchar:
Me alegra que ... las opiniones de los participantes
(I'm glad that they listen to the participants' opinions.)
2. Debatir:
Me entristece que ustedes no ... de forma cordial.
(It saddens me that you do not debate cordially.)
3. Escuchar:
Nos alegra que ... nuestros puntos de vista.
(We are glad that you listen to our points of view.)
4. Participar:
Es intolerable que ... en debates sin tener argumentos relevantes.
(It is intolerable for you to participate in debates without having relevant arguments.)
5. Defender:
Me da vergüenza que mi novio no me ... durante el debate.
(I'm embarrassed that my boyfriend doesn't stand up for me during the debate.)
6. Participar:
Me molesta que Juan no ... en el debate mañana.
(It bothers me that Juan will not participate in the debate tomorrow.)
7. Tener:
Me irrita que no tú ... suficientes pruebas relevantes.
(It annoys me that you do not have enough relevant evidence.)
8. Debatir:
Me molesta que ... sin argumentos claros en un tema tan controversial.
(It bothers me that they debate without clear arguments on such a controversial topic.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.



you participate



you have






they listen