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Subjunctive (present): opinions and recommendations

Brief explanation of the present subjunctive to express recommendations and opinions.

Gramática: Subjuntivo (presente): opiniones y recomendaciones

B1 Spanish Present subjunctive: opinions and suggestions

Level: B1

Module 1: Charlas y conversaciones (Chit chat and conversations)

Lesson 5: Gestión de problemas (Managing problems)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. We also use the present subjunctive to express recommendations and opinions.
  2. We then use the following structure: "es" + adjective + "que" + subjunctive.
Es importante que (It is important that)Es importante que resolvamos el conflicto ahora. (It is important that we resolve the conflict now.)
Es mejor que (It's better that)Es mejor que hablemos ahora sobre nuestro desacuerdo. (It's better that we talk now about our disagreement.)
Es necesario que (It's necessary that)Es necesario que tengamos un plan antes de seguir con la discusión. (It is necessary that we have a plan before continuing with the discussion.)
Es bueno que (It is good that)Es bueno que tengas mucha experiencia en planear estrategias. (It is good that you have a lot of experience in planning strategies.)

Exercise 1: Subjuntivo (presente): opiniones y recomendaciones

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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estemos, tengas, hablemos, resuelvas, lleguemos, encuentres, tenga, encontremos

1. Hablar:
Es mejor que nosotros ... primero para llegar a un acuerdo.
(It's better that we speak first to reach an agreement.)
2. Llegar:
Es importante que ... a un acuerdo en la reunión. Necesitamos trabajar en equipo.
(It's important that we reach an agreement in the meeting. We need to work as a team.)
3. Tener:
Pedro, ¿no es mejor que ... una alternativa?
(Pedro, isn't it better for you to have an alternative?)
4. Tener:
Es importante que nuestro grupo ... una buena estrategia para ganar la discusión.
(It is important that our group has a good strategy to win the argument.)
5. Estar:
Es bueno que ... todos de acuerdo.
(It's good that we all agree.)
6. Encontrar:
María, es bueno que ... todas las alternativas antes de tomar una decisión final.
(María, it is good that you find all the alternatives before making a final decision.)
7. Encontrar:
Si queremos seguir trabajando aquí, es necesario que ... una solución para este desafío.
(If we want to continue working here, it is necessary that we find a solution to this challenge.)
8. Resolver:
Ana, es importante que ... tu desacuerdo con Juan.
(Ana, it's important that you resolve your disagreement with Juan.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.



you resolve



we are



you find



we reach