Relative pronouns (el que, quien, cuyo) Share Copied!
Relative pronouns such as el que, quien, cuyo connect phrases, referring to a specific antecedent, for example, 'The landlord, quien lives here'.
Gramática: Pronombres relativos (el que, quien, cuyo)
B1 Spanish Relative pronouns advanced
Level: B1
Module 6: Vivir en el extranjero (Living abroad)
Lesson 39: Visita inmobiliaria (Houseviewing)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- El que can refer to people or things.
- Quien is only used with people.
- Cuyo expresses possession and agrees in gender and number.
Pronombre (Pronoun) | Uso (Use) | Ejemplo (Example) |
El que | Referente definido (Definite referent) | Este es el coche en el que viajé. (This is the car in which I travelled.) |
La que | Referente definido (Definite referent) | La casa en la que crecí está cerca. (The house in which I grew up is nearby.) |
Los que | Referente definido (Definite referent) | Mis amigos, los que viven aquí, son amables. (My friends, those who live here, are kind.) |
Las que | Referente definido (Definite referent) | Las plantas, las que compré ayer, son exóticas. (The plants, which I bought yesterday, are exotic.) |
Quien | Solo personas (Only people) | Mi tía, quien es profesora, vendrá mañana. (My aunt, who is a teacher, will come tomorrow.) |
Quienes | Solo personas (Only people) | Los alumnos, quienes estudian mucho, aprobarán. (The students, who study a lot, will pass.) |
Cuyo/a | Expresa posesión (Expresses possession) | La ciudad, cuyo clima es cálido, es turística. (The city, whose climate is warm, is touristic.) |
Cuyos/as | Expresa posesión (Expresses possession) | Los niños, cuyos juguetes están en el suelo, juegan. (The children, whose toys are on the floor, are playing.) |
- Quien is used only for people.
- Cuyo indicates possession and agrees with the following noun.
- El que is used when the antecedent is clear and defined.
Exercise 1: Pronombres relativos (el que, quien, cuyo)
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
quienes, el que, cuyo, la que, quien
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
the one who