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Relative pronouns (el que, quien, cuyo)

Relative pronouns such as el que, quien, cuyo connect phrases, referring to a specific antecedent, for example, 'The landlord, quien lives here'.

Gramática: Pronombres relativos (el que, quien, cuyo)

B1 Spanish Relative pronouns advanced

Level: B1

Module 6: Vivir en el extranjero (Living abroad)

Lesson 39: Visita inmobiliaria (Houseviewing)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations

  1. El que can refer to people or things.
  2. Quien is only used with people.
  3. Cuyo expresses possession and agrees in gender and number.
Pronombre (Pronoun)Uso (Use)Ejemplo (Example)
El queReferente definido (Definite referent)Este es el coche en el que viajé. (This is the car in which I travelled.)
La queReferente definido (Definite referent)La casa en la que crecí está cerca. (The house in which I grew up is nearby.)
Los queReferente definido (Definite referent)Mis amigos, los que viven aquí, son amables. (My friends, those who live here, are kind.)
Las queReferente definido (Definite referent)Las plantas, las que compré ayer, son exóticas. (The plants, which I bought yesterday, are exotic.)
QuienSolo personas (Only people)Mi tía, quien es profesora, vendrá mañana. (My aunt, who is a teacher, will come tomorrow.)
QuienesSolo personas (Only people)Los alumnos, quienes estudian mucho, aprobarán. (The students, who study a lot, will pass.)
Cuyo/aExpresa posesión (Expresses possession)La ciudad, cuyo clima es cálido, es turística. (The city, whose climate is warm, is touristic.)
Cuyos/asExpresa posesión (Expresses possession)Los niños, cuyos juguetes están en el suelo, juegan. (The children, whose toys are on the floor, are playing.)


  1. Quien is used only for people.
  2. Cuyo indicates possession and agrees with the following noun.
  3. El que is used when the antecedent is clear and defined.

Exercise 1: Pronombres relativos (el que, quien, cuyo)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

quienes, el que, cuyo, la que, quien

El casero, ... vive aquí, es muy amable.
(The landlord, who lives here, is very kind.)
Los vecinos, ... son muy amables, nos ayudaron.
(The neighbours, who are very kind, helped us.)
El edificio en ... viví era antiguo.
(The building in which I lived was old.)
La casa, ... techo es rojo, está en venta.
(The house, whose roof is red, is for sale.)
Busco un piso en ... pueda tener jardín.
(I am looking for a flat where I can have a garden.)
La zona en ... trabajo es muy tranquila.
(The area in which I work is very peaceful.)
La zona residencial en ... quiero vivir es muy segura.
(The residential area in which I want to live is very safe.)
La persona a ... llamaste dejó un mensaje.
(The person you called left a message.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.






the one who





