Imperative mood and pronouns Share Copied!
Brief explanation of the use of the modo imperativo with pronouns.
Gramática: Modo imperativo y pronombres
B1 Spanish Imperative and pronouns
Level: B1
Module 4: Estilo de vida saludable (Healthy lifestyle)
Lesson 29: Lesiones y dolores (Injuries and pains)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- In the affirmative, the pronoun joins the verb to form a single word.
- In the negative, the pronoun is placed before the verb.
- In imperatives with "nosotros", the final "s" is removed before adding "nos".
Uso | Ejemplo |
Afirmativo | ¡Cúrate la herida antes de salir! (Heal the wound before going out!) |
Negativo | ¡No te rompas el hueso saltando del muro! (Don't break your bone jumping off the wall!) |
Imperativos con "nosotros" | ¡Cuidémonos la piel con protector solar! (Let's take care of our skin with sunscreen!) |
Exercise 1: Modo imperativo y pronombres
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
Relajémonos, No me la pongas, No te rompas, No te caigas, Cúrate, Dime, Cuidémonos, Hazte
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
No te rompas
Don't break
Tell me
Treat your
Let us take care of