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The passive voice

Explanation of the use and formation of the passive voice in present, simple past, imperfect past, simple future.

Gramática: La voz pasiva

B1 Spanish Passive voice: all tenses

Level: B1

Module 4: Estilo de vida saludable (Healthy lifestyle)

Lesson 22: Anatomía (Anatomy)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

  1. We use the passive voice to highlight the action and not the person who performs it. The subject of the sentence receives the action.
  2. The participle must agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the subject of the sentence.
PresenteSer (presente) + participioEl pulmón es protegido por las costillas y la piel. (The lung is protected by the ribs and the skin.)
Pretérito IndefinidoSer (indefinido) + participioMi corazón fue movido rápidamente cuando corrí. (My heart was moved quickly when I ran.)
Pretérito ImperfectoSer (imperfecto) + participioLos músculos eran estirados en cada sesión de yoga. (The muscles were stretched in each yoga session.)
Futuro SimpleSer (futuro) + participioLa cintura será movida en la clase de baile mañana. (The waist will be moved in the dance class tomorrow.)


  1. In everyday and impersonal contexts, it is common to use the "pasiva con se". Example: "Los músculos se mueven cuando haces ejercicio."
  2. In the passive voice, the person who performs the action can be included using the preposition "por". Example: "El cuello será movido por el fisioterapeuta."

Exercise 1: La voz pasiva

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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es movida, fue doblada, era estirado, es protegido, son estirados, será movida, fue protegido, eran protegidos

1. Estirar (presente):
Los músculos ... en cada sesión de yoga.
(The muscles are stretched in each yoga session.)
2. Proteger (presente):
Cuando respiras el pulmón ... por otros órganos.
(When you breathe the lung is protected by other organs.)
3. Proteger (indefinido):
El corazón ... por el médico durante la operación.
(The heart was protected by the doctor during the operation.)
4. Mover (presente):
La barriga ... lentamente durante los ejercicios tranquilos.
(The belly is moved slowly during gentle exercises.)
5. Doblar (indefinido):
La muñeca ... accidentalmente durante el entrenamiento de boxeo.
(The wrist was accidentally bent during boxing training.)
6. Mover (futuro):
La cintura ... con ejercicios de danza la próxima semana.
(The waist will be moved with dance exercises next week.)
7. Proteger (imperfecto):
En el pasado los huesos ... por metal.
(In the past the bones were protected by metal.)
8. Estirar (imperfecto):
El pecho ... durante la meditación.
(The chest was stretched during meditation.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


fue protegido

was protected


era estirado

was stretched


fueron movidas

were moved


serán doblados

will be bent