The impersonal pronoun "se" Share Copied!
The pronoun 'se' is used in impersonal sentences, reflexive passives, instructions, and general actions.
Gramática: El pronombre impersonal "se"
A2 Spanish The impersonal pronoun
Level: B2
Module 1: Ciudades: ¿selva o comunidad? (Cities: jungle or community?)
Lesson 7: Gestión de residuos y ecología (Waste management and ecology)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- 'Se' + verb in infinitive → giving instructions.
- 'Se' + verb in third person → indicate generalizations.
- In reflexives, 'se' removes the specific subject.
Ejemplo (Example) | Uso (Use) |
Se reciclan los envases. (Containers are recycled.) | Pasiva refleja. (Reflexive passive) |
Se debe reducir el uso de plástico. (The use of plastic should be reduced.) | Norma general. (General rule.) |
Se recomienda apagar las luces. (It is recommended to turn off the lights.) | Consejo (Advice). |
Se venden productos ecológicos. (Organic products are sold.) | Uso impersonal. (Impersonal use.) |
Se lavan las manos antes de comer. (Hands are washed before eating.) | Reflexivo impersonal. (Impersonal reflexive.) |
- In the passive reflexive, the verb agrees with the object.
Exercise 1: El pronombre impersonal "se"
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
Se compran, Se recicla, Se apaga, Se vive, Se compra, Se, Se ahorran, Se pueden
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
Se vive
People live
Se ahorran
They are saved
Se buscan
They are looking for
Se apaga
It turns off