The difference between "por qué" and "porque" Share Copied!
Learn the difference between "por qué" and "porque" in Spanish.
Gramática: La diferencia entre "por qué" y "porque"
A2 Spanish Difference between "por qué" and "porque"
Level: A2
Module 3: Planes para el fin de semana (Weekend plans)
Lesson 19: Visita el campo (Visit the countryside)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- "¿Por qué?" is used to ask direct or indirect questions. It is written separately, with an accent and exclamation marks.
- "Por qué" is used to ask indirect questions. It is written separately and with an accent.
- "Porque" is used to give an answer or to explain something. It is written all together.
- "Porque" can introduce the reason or cause of something.
Expresión | Función | Ejemplo |
Por qué | Pregunta directa | ¿Por qué el cerdo corre por la granja? (Why does the pig run around the farm?) |
Pregunta indirecta | No sé por qué la vaca no quiere comer hoy. (I don't know why the cow doesn't want to eat today.) | |
Porque | Responder a una pregunta | ¿Por qué alimentas a la gallina? (Why are you feeding the hen?) Porque tiene hambre. (Because he is hungry.) |
Dar una razón o causa | El caballo está tranquilo porque lo han alimentado. (The horse is calm because it has been fed.) |
Exercise 1: La diferencia entre "por qué" y "porque"
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
por qué, Por qué, porque
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
por qué
Por qué