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Contrast between "porque" and "para"

Brief explanation of the contrast between "porque" and "para".

Gramática: Contraste entre "porque" y "para"

B1 Spanish Difference between porque and para

Level: B1

Module 4: Estilo de vida saludable (Healthy lifestyle)

Lesson 27: Autocuidado y mindfulness (Self-care and mindfulness)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. We use "porque" to express the cause or reason for an action.
  2. We use "para" to indicate the objective or purpose of an action.
Porque: causa o motivo de una acción.Pedro va al psicólogo porque su salud mental está afectada. (Pedro goes to the psychologist because his mental health is affected.)
Para: objetivo o finalidad de una acción.María asiste a sesiones de autocuidado para mejorar su amor propio y su bienestar mental. (María attends self-care sessions to improve her self-love and mental well-being.)

Exercise 1: Contraste entre "porque" y "para"

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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para, porque

Me siento menos estresado ... estoy practicando el autocuidado regularmente.
(I feel less stressed because I am practising self-care regularly.)
Asisto a sesiones de terapia grupal ... encontrar apoyo y aprender a gestionar el estrés.
(I attend group therapy sessions to find support and learn to manage stress.)
María tomó la decisión de descansar ... se dio cuenta de la necesidad de cuidar su salud mental.
(María made the decision to rest because she realised the need to take care of her mental health.)
Juan se apunta a un curso de meditación ... aprender técnicas de autocuidado y mejorar su amor propio.
(Juan signs up for a meditation course to learn self-care techniques and improve his self-love.)
Estoy leyendo un libro sobre bienestar emocional ... quiero entender mejor las enfermedades mentales.
(I am reading a book about emotional well-being because I want to better understand mental illnesses.)
El médico le recomendó hacer ejercicio diario ... encontrarse mejor tanto físicamente como mentalmente.
(The doctor recommended doing daily exercise to feel better both physically and mentally.)
Voy al psicólogo ... superar mi depresión y encontrarme mejor mentalmente.
(I go to the psychologist to overcome my depression and feel better mentally.)
Pablo dejó el trabajo que lo hacía sentir estresado ... priorizó su salud mental.
(Pablo quit the job that made him feel stressed because he prioritised his mental health.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.





