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Irregular verbs in the present perfect

Learn the most common irregular verbs in the present perfect.

Gramática: Verbos irregulares en el pretérito perfecto

A2 Spanish Irregular present perfect

Level: A2

Module 1: Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)

Lesson 2: Empacar tu equipaje (Packing your luggage)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. The present perfect tense has verbs with irregular past participles.
  2. These verbs are: "abrir", "cubrir", "decir", "escribir", "hacer", "morir", "poner", "pudrir", "resolver", "romper", "ver", "volver".
VerboParticipio irregularEjemplo
AbrirAbiertoHe abierto la maleta. (I have opened the suitcase.)
CubrirCubiertoHas cubierto el sofá. (You have covered the sofa.)
DecirDichoAna ha dicho la verdad. (Ana has said the truth.)
EscribirEscritoHemos escrito un mensaje para ti. (We have written a message for you.)
HacerHechoHabéis hecho la maleta. (You have done the suitcase.)
MorirMuertoHan muerto los abuelos de Amalia. (Amalia's grandparents have died.)
PonerPuestoHe puesto las gafas de sol en la mesa. (I have put the sunglasses on the table.)
RomperRoto¿Tu mochila se ha roto? (Has your backpack broken?)
VerVistoEva y Leo no han visto este bolso. (Eva and Leo have not seen this handbag.)
VolverVueltoTodavía no he vuelto de viaje. (I still haven't returned from the trip.)

Exercise 1: Verbos irregulares en el pretérito perfecto

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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hecho, puesto, visto, vuelto, roto, abierto, escrito, dicho

1. Decir:
¡Te he ... toda la verdad!
(I have told you the whole truth!)
2. Volver:
¿Has ... ya de vacaciones?
(Have you already returned from holiday?)
3. Poner:
¿Quién ha ... aquí esta toalla?
(Who has put this towel here?)
4. Ver:
No he ... tu bolso.
(I haven't seen your bag.)
5. Romper:
Alguien ha ... mis gafas de sol.
(Someone has broken my sunglasses.)
6. Hacer:
Carla y Pablo todavía no han ... sus maletas.
(Carla and Pablo haven't packed their bags yet.)
7. Escribir:
¿Quién ha ... esto?
(Who has written this?)
8. Abrir:
Ellas han ... la mochila.
(They have opened the rucksack.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.









covered ourselves


