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Spanish B1.39.1 When the bricks fall: the 2008 real estate bubble

Discover how the real estate bubble in Spain led to a global economic crisis in 2008, affecting families, banks, and construction.

Cultura: Cuando los ladrillos se caen: la burbuja inmobiliaria del 2008

Descubre cómo la burbuja inmobiliaria en España provocó una crisis económica global en 2008, afectando familias, bancos y la construcción.

Spanish B1.39.1 When the bricks fall: the 2008 real estate bubble

B1 Spanish History Spain

Level: B1

Module 6: Vivir en el extranjero (Living abroad)

Lesson 39: Visita inmobiliaria (Houseviewing)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations

Reading and listening exercise

La burbuja inmobiliaria en España fue una crisis en el mercado de la vivienda. Desde los años 90 hasta 2007, los precios de los pisos subieron mucho. Muchas personas compraban casas porque los bancos ofrecían préstamos fácilmente. Durante este tiempo, se construyeron bloques de pisos y edificios de apartamentos en barrios y zonas residenciales. En 2007, los precios de las casas empezaron a bajar rápidamente. Esto provocó que muchos propietarios no pudieran pagar sus hipotecas y muchas familias se vieron obligadas a mudarse. Los bancos perdieron dinero y la economía se vio afectada. La crisis económica de 2008 comenzó con estos problemas y así, muchos caseros y dueños no podían alquilar sus pisos.


The real estate bubble in Spain was a crisis in the housing market. From the 90s until 2007, the prices of flats rose significantly. Many people were buying houses because banks offered loans easily. During this time, blocks of flats and apartment buildings were built in neighbourhoods and residential areas. In 2007, house prices began to fall rapidly. This caused many homeowners to be unable to pay their mortgages, and many families were forced to move. Banks lost money, and the economy was affected. The economic crisis of 2008 began with these problems, and thus, many landlords and owners could not rent out their flats.

Exercise 1: Discussion questions

Instruction: Discuss the questions after listening to the audio or reading through the text.

  1. ¿Qué pasó cuando bajaron los precios en 2007?
  2. What happened when prices dropped in 2007?
  3. ¿Crees que es mejor alquilar o comprar una casa?
  4. Do you think it's better to rent or buy a house?

Useful websites to study with your teacher

Discuss and read the following resources during your conversation classes.

  1. https://www.cohispania.com/blog/asi-fue-la-crisis-de-la-vivienda-de-2008/