Sentirse (to feel) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Conjugation of sentirse (to feel) for all verb tenses with example phrases and exercises.

 Sentirse (to feel) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Learning materials that implement this verb:

Level: A1

Module 4: Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Lesson 25: Emociones y sentimientos (Emotions and feelings)

Basic verb forms

Infinitivo (Infinitive) Gerundio (Gerund) Participio (Participle)
Sentirse (to feel) Sintiéndose (Feeling) Sentido (felt)

Sentirse (to feel): Verb conjugation tables

Indicativo (Indicative) Subjuntivo (Subjunctive)


Spanish English
yo me siento I feel
tú te sientes you feel
él/ella se siente he feels
nosotros/nosotras nos sentimos we feel
vosotros/vosotras os sentís You (plural) feel
ellos/ellas se sienten they feel

Pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me he sentido I have felt
tú te has sentido You have felt
él/ella se ha sentido he has felt
nosotros/nosotras nos hemos sentido We have felt
vosotros/vosotras os habéis sentido You have felt
ellos/ellas se han sentido They have felt

Subjuntivo presente 

Spanish English
yo me sienta I feel
tú te sientas You feel
él/ella se sienta he feels
nosotros/nosotras nos sintamos we feel
vosotros/vosotras os sintáis you feel
ellos/ellas se sientan they feel

Subjuntivo pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me haya sentido I have felt
tú te hayas sentido You have felt
él/ella se haya sentido he has felt
nosotros/nosotras nos hayamos sentido we have felt
vosotros/vosotras os hayáis sentido You have felt
ellos/ellas se hayan sentido they have felt

Pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo me sentía I felt
tú te sentías You felt
él/ella se sentía he felt
nosotros/nosotras nos sentíamos we felt
vosotros/vosotras os sentíais you felt
ellos/ellas se sentían They felt

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo me había sentido I had felt
tú te habías sentido You had felt
él/ella se había sentido He had felt
nosotros/nosotras nos habíamos sentido We had felt
vosotros/vosotras os habíais sentido You all had felt
ellos/ellas se habían sentido They had felt

Subjuntivo pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo me sintiera/me sintiese I would feel
tú te sintieras/te sintieses You would feel
él/ella se sintiera/se sintiese he would feel
nosotros/nosotras nos sintiéramos/nos sintiésemos we felt
vosotros/vosotras os sintierais/os sintieseis You would feel
ellos/ellas se sintieran/se sintiesen they would feel

Subjuntivo pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo me hubiera/me hubiese sentido I would have felt
tú te hubieras/te hubieses sentido You would have felt
él/ella se hubiera/se hubiese sentido he would have felt
nosotros/nosotras nos hubiéramos/nos hubiésemos sentido we would have felt
vosotros/vosotras os hubierais/os hubieseis sentido you would have felt
ellos/ellas se hubieran/se hubiesen sentido They would have felt

Pretérito indefinido 

Spanish English
yo me sentí I felt
tú te sentiste You felt
él/ella se sintió he felt
nosotros/nosotras nos sentimos we felt
vosotros/vosotras os sentisteis you felt
ellos/ellas se sintieron they felt

Pretérito anterior 

Spanish English
yo me hube sentido I had felt
tú te hubiste sentido You had felt
él/ella se hubo sentido he had felt
nosotros/nosotras nos hubimos sentido we had felt
vosotros/vosotras os hubisteis sentido You had felt
ellos/ellas se hubieron sentido They had felt

Subjuntivo futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo me sintiere I would feel
tú te sintieres You would feel
él/ella se sintiere he would feel
nosotros/nosotras nos sintiéremos we would feel
vosotros/vosotras os sintiereis You all will feel
ellos/ellas se sintieren they would feel

Subjuntivo futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me hubiere sentido I will have felt
tú te hubieres sentido You will have felt
él/ella se hubiere sentido he would have felt
nosotros/nosotras nos hubiéremos sentido we would have felt
vosotros/vosotras os hubiereis sentido You will have felt
ellos/ellas se hubieren sentido they would have felt

Futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo me sentiré I will feel
tú te sentirás you will feel
él/ella se sentirá he will feel
nosotros/nosotras nos sentiremos we will feel
vosotros/vosotras os sentiréis you will feel
ellos/ellas se sentirán They will feel

Futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me habré sentido I will have felt
tú te habrás sentido You will have felt
él/ella se habrá sentido he will have felt
nosotros/nosotras nos habremos sentido we will have felt
vosotros/vosotras os habréis sentido You will have felt
ellos/ellas se habrán sentido They will have felt
Imperativo (Imperative)


Spanish English
SÍENTETE! You feel!
SÍENTETE! You feel!
SIÉNTASE! Let's feel
SENTÍOS! They feel!

Imperativo negativo 

Spanish English
No te sientas! You do not feel
No se sienta! He does not feel!
No nos sintamos! Let us not feel!
No os sintáis! You do not feel!
No se sientan! They must not feel!

Condicional simple 

Spanish English
yo me sentiría I would feel
tú te sentirías You would feel
él/ella se sentiría he would feel
nosotros/nosotras nos sentiríamos We would feel
vosotros/vosotras os sentiríais You all would feel
ellos/ellas se sentirían they would feel

Condicional perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me habría sentido I would have felt
tú te habrías sentido You would have felt
él/ella se habría sentido He would have felt
nosotros/nosotras nos habríamos sentido we would have felt
vosotros/vosotras os habríais sentido You would have felt
ellos/ellas se habrían sentido They would have felt

Present and future tenses: A1

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. They will feel excited about the trip.
Ellos se sentirán emocionados por el viaje.
2. I feel well.
Yo me siento bien.
3. They feel nervous.
Ellos se sienten nerviosos.
4. You feel excited.
Vosotros os sentís emocionados.
5. We feel happy.
Nosotros nos sentimos felices.

Basic past tenses (A2/B1)

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. We felt nervous before the exam.
Nosotros nos sentíamos nerviosos antes del examen.
2. I have felt happy.
Yo me he sentido feliz.
3. They felt tired after the celebration.
Ellos se sintieron cansados después de la celebración.
4. How did you feel at the meeting?
¿cómo te sentías tú en la reunión?
5. We have felt comfortable.
Nosotros nos hemos sentido cómodos.

Basic subjunctive exercises: B1

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

nos sintamos, se sienta, os sintáis, me sienta, se sientan

Espero que nosotros ... listos para el examen.
(I hope that we feel ready for the exam.)
Espero que vosotros ... cómodos en españa.
(I hope that you feel comfortable in Spain.)
Espero que ellos ... bienvenidos en nuestra casa.
(I hope that they feel welcome in our house.)
Espero que él ... bien en la fiesta.
(I hope that he feels well at the party.)
Espero que yo ... mejor pronto.
(I hope that I feel better soon.)

Advanced exercises: C1/C2

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. Yesterday I had felt very happy.
Ayer me hube sentido muy feliz.
2. She may have felt welcome at the party.
Ella se haya sentido bienvenida en la fiesta.
3. We have felt good after the family meal.
Nos hayamos sentido bien después de la comida familiar.
4. I would have felt happy at the party.
Yo me habría sentido feliz en la fiesta.
5. If we had felt uncomfortable, we would have left earlier.
Si nosotros nos hubiéramos/nos hubiésemos sentido incómodos, habríamos salido antes.