Reflexionar (to reflect) - Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, indicativo (Pluperfect, indicative) Share Copied!

Reflexionar - Conjugation of to reflect in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the pluperfect, indicative tense (Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, indicativo).
Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, indicativo (Pluperfect, indicative)
All conjugations and tenses: Reflexionar (to reflect) - Verb conjugation and exercises
Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Legado y homenaje (Legacy and tribute)
Conjugation of to reflect in Pretérito pluscuamperfecto
Spanish | English |
yo había reflexionado | I had reflected |
tú habías reflexionado | you had reflected |
él/ella había reflexionado | He/she had reflected |
nosotros/nosotras habíamos reflexionado | we had reflected |
vosotros/vosotras habíais reflexionado | You had reflected |
ellos/ellas habían reflexionado | They had reflected |
Example phrases
Spanish | English |
Había reflexionado sobre la calidad de vida antes de subirme a la caravana. | I had reflected on the quality of life before getting into the caravan. |
Habías reflexionado mucho antes de tomar la decisión de marcharte. | You had reflected a lot before making the decision to leave. |
Ella había reflexionado sobre cómo aprovechar el tiempo libre antes de jubilarse. | She had reflected on how to make the most of her free time before retiring. |
Habíamos reflexionado sobre hacer un curso de fotografía durante la despedida de soltero. | We had reflected on taking a photography course during the bachelor party. |
Habíais reflexionado acerca de explorar Asia en el globo antes de decidir el destino final. | You had reflected about exploring Asia on the globe before deciding the final destination. |
Ellos habían reflexionado sobre la estabilidad laboral antes de aceptar la oferta del bufete. | They had reflected on job stability before accepting the offer from the law firm. |
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct form.
habían reflexionado, había reflexionado, habías reflexionado, habíamos reflexionado, habíais reflexionado
Ellos ... sobre la estabilidad laboral antes de aceptar la oferta del bufete.
(They had reflected on job stability before accepting the offer from the law firm.)
... mucho antes de tomar la decisión de marcharte.
(You had reflected a lot before making the decision to leave.)
Ella ... sobre cómo aprovechar el tiempo libre antes de jubilarse.
(She had reflected on how to make the most of her free time before retiring.)
... sobre hacer un curso de fotografía durante la despedida de soltero.
(We had reflected on taking a photography course during the bachelor party.)
... acerca de explorar asia en el globo antes de decidir el destino final.
(You had reflected on exploring Asia on the globe before deciding on the final destination.)
... sobre la calidad de vida antes de subirme a la caravana.
(I had reflected on the quality of life before getting into the caravan.)