Probar (to try) - Pretérito indefinido, indicativo (Simple past, indicative)

 Probar (to try) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Probar - Conjugation of to try in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the simple past, indicative tense (Pretérito indefinido, indicativo).

Pretérito indefinido, indicativo (Simple past, indicative)

All conjugations and tenses: Probar (to try) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Comida para llevar (Takeaway food)

Conjugation of to try in Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo probé I tried
tú probaste You tried
él/ella probó he/she tried
nosotros/nosotras probamos we tried
vosotros/vosotras probasteis you tried
ellos/ellas probaron they tried

Example phrases

Spanish English
Ayer probé las tapas por primera vez. Yesterday I tried tapas for the first time.
Probaste la comida china anoche. You tried the Chinese food last night.
Juan probó las croquetas de jamón. Juan tried the ham croquettes.
Probamos el plato combinado en el restaurante. We tried the set meal at the restaurant.
Probasteis la tortilla y os encantó. You tried the tortilla and you loved it.
Probaron las patatas bravas y quedaron llenos. They tried the patatas bravas and were full.

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

Show translation Show answers

probaron, probamos, probó, probaste, probasteis, probé

... el plato combinado en el restaurante.
(We tried the set meal at the restaurant.)
Ayer ... las tapas por primera vez.
(Yesterday I tried tapas for the first time.)
... la tortilla y os encantó.
(You tried the tortilla and you loved it.)
... las patatas bravas y quedaron llenos.
(They tried the patatas bravas and were full.)
Juan ... las croquetas de jamón.
(Juan tried the ham croquettes.)
... la comida china anoche.
(You tried the Chinese food last night.)