Presentarse (to introduce oneself) - Presente, indicativo (Present, indicative)

 Presentarse (to introduce oneself) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Presentarse - Conjugation of to introduce oneself in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the present, indicative tense (Presente, indicativo).

Presente, indicativo (Present, indicative)

All conjugations and tenses: Presentarse (to introduce oneself) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Decir tu nombre (Telling your name)

Conjugation of to introduce oneself in Presente

Spanish English
yo me presento I introduce myself
tú te presentas You introduce yourself
él/ella se presenta he introduces himself
nosotros/nosotras nos presentamos we introduce ourselves
vosotros/vosotras os presentáis You all introduce yourselves
ellos/ellas se presentan They introduce themselves

Example phrases

Spanish English
Yo me presento ante la audiencia. I present myself before the audience.
Tú te presentas en el concurso de talentos. You participate in the talent show.
Él se presenta al trabajo a tiempo. He shows up to work on time.
Nosotros nos presentamos como voluntarios. We present ourselves as volunteers.
Vosotros os presentáis en la fiesta. You all are showing up at the party.
Ellos se presentan como los nuevos vecinos. They introduce themselves as the new neighbors.

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

Show translation Show answers

nos presentamos, se presentan, se presenta, me presento, os presentáis, te presentas

Tú ... en el concurso de talentos.
(You participate in the talent show.)
Nosotros ... como voluntarios.
(We present ourselves as volunteers.)
Vosotros ... en la fiesta.
(You all are showing up at the party.)
Ellos ... como los nuevos vecinos.
(They introduce themselves as the new neighbors.)
Él ... al trabajo a tiempo.
(He shows up to work on time.)
Yo ... ante la audiencia.
(I present myself before the audience.)