Ponerse (to put on) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Conjugation of ponerse (to put on) for all verb tenses with example phrases and exercises.

 Ponerse (to put on) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Learning materials that implement this verb:

Level: A2

Module 4: Estilo de vida (Lifestyle)

Lesson 30: Estilos de ropa y moda (Clothing styles and fashion)

Basic verb forms

Infinitivo (Infinitive) Gerundio (Gerund) Participio (Participle)
Ponerse (to put on) poniéndose (putting on) puesto (to put on)

Ponerse (to put on): Verb conjugation tables

Indicativo (Indicative) Subjuntivo (Subjunctive)


Spanish English
yo me pongo I put on
tú te pones you put on
él/ella se pone he/she puts on
nosotros/nosotras nos ponemos we put on
vosotros/vosotras os ponéis You put on
ellos/ellas se ponen They put on

Pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me he puesto I have put on
tú te has puesto You have put on
él/ella se ha puesto He/she has put on
nosotros/nosotras nos hemos puesto We have put on
vosotros/vosotras os habéis puesto You have put on
ellos/ellas se han puesto They have put on

Subjuntivo presente 

Spanish English
yo me ponga I put on
tú te pongas you put on
él/ella se ponga he/she puts on
nosotros/nosotras nos pongamos we put on
vosotros/vosotras os pongáis you put on
ellos/ellas se pongan they put on

Subjuntivo pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me haya puesto I have put on
tú te hayas puesto you have put on
él/ella se haya puesto he/she has put on
nosotros/nosotras nos hayamos puesto we have put on
vosotros/vosotras os hayáis puesto you have put on
ellos/ellas se hayan puesto they have put on

Pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo me ponía I used to put on
tú te ponías You put on
él/ella se ponía He/she was putting on
nosotros/nosotras nos poníamos We would put on
vosotros/vosotras os poníais You were putting on
ellos/ellas se ponían they put on

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo me había puesto I had put on
tú te habías puesto You had put on
él/ella se había puesto He had put on
nosotros/nosotras nos habíamos puesto We had put on
vosotros/vosotras os habíais puesto You had put on
ellos/ellas se habían puesto they had put on

Subjuntivo pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo me pusiera/me pusiese I put on
tú te pusieras/te pusieses you put on
él/ella se pusiera/se pusiese he would put on
nosotros/nosotras nos pusiéramos/nos pusiésemos we put on
vosotros/vosotras os pusierais/os pusieseis You put on
ellos/ellas se pusieran/se pusiesen they put on

Subjuntivo pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo me hubiera/me hubiese puesto I would have put on
tú te hubieras/te hubieses puesto you had put on
él/ella se hubiera/se hubiese puesto He would have put on
nosotros/nosotras nos hubiéramos/nos hubiésemos puesto we would have put on
vosotros/vosotras os hubierais/os hubieseis puesto You would have put on
ellos/ellas se hubieran/se hubiesen puesto they would have put on

Pretérito indefinido 

Spanish English
yo me puse I put on
tú te pusiste you put on
él/ella se puso He/she put on
nosotros/nosotras nos pusimos We put on
vosotros/vosotras os pusisteis You put on
ellos/ellas se pusieron They put on

Pretérito anterior 

Spanish English
yo me hube puesto I had put on
tú te hubiste puesto you had put on
él/ella se hubo puesto He/she had put on
nosotros/nosotras nos hubimos puesto we had put on
vosotros/vosotras os hubisteis puesto You all had put on
ellos/ellas se hubieron puesto They had put on

Subjuntivo futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo me pusiere I would put on
tú te pusieres You would put on
él/ella se pusiere he/she put on
nosotros/nosotras nos pusiéremos we would put on
vosotros/vosotras os pusiereis You would put on
ellos/ellas se pusieren they put on

Subjuntivo futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me hubiere puesto I will have put on
tú te hubieres puesto you will have put on
él/ella se hubiere puesto he will have put on
nosotros/nosotras nos hubiéremos puesto We will have put on
vosotros/vosotras os hubiereis puesto you will have put on
ellos/ellas se hubieren puesto they will have put on

Futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo me pondré I will put on
tú te pondrás you will put on
él/ella se pondrá He will put on
nosotros/nosotras nos pondremos We will put on
vosotros/vosotras os pondréis You will put on
ellos/ellas se pondrán They will put on

Futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me habré puesto I will have put on
tú te habrás puesto You will have put on
él/ella se habrá puesto He/she will have put on
nosotros/nosotras nos habremos puesto We will have put on
vosotros/vosotras os habréis puesto You will have put on
ellos/ellas se habrán puesto They will have put on
Imperativo (Imperative)


Spanish English
Ponte! Put on
Póngase! Put it on.
Pongámonos! Let's put on!
Poneos! You put on
Pónganse! Put on!

Imperativo negativo 

Spanish English
¡No te pongas! Don't put on
¡No se ponga! Do not put on
¡No nos pongamos! Let's not put on
¡No os pongáis! Do not put on
¡No se pongan! They don't put on

Condicional simple 

Spanish English
yo me pondría I would put on
tú te pondrías You would put on
él/ella se pondría He/she would put on
nosotros/nosotras nos pondríamos We would put on
vosotros/vosotras os pondríais You would put on
ellos/ellas se pondrían They would put on

Condicional perfecto 

Spanish English
yo me habría puesto I would have put on
tú te habrías puesto you would have put on
él/ella se habría puesto He would have put on
nosotros/nosotras nos habríamos puesto We would have put on
vosotros/vosotras os habríais puesto You would have put on
ellos/ellas se habrían puesto They would have put on

Present and future tenses: A1

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. You will wear old clothes for the party.
Os pondréis ropa antigua para la fiesta.
2. We will put on the comfy socks.
Nos pondremos los calcetines cómodos.
3. You put on the trendy caps.
Os ponéis las gorras modernas.
4. They put on the old jackets.
Ellos se ponen las cazadoras antiguas.
5. You put on the fashionable blouse.
Te pones la blusa moderna.

Basic past tenses (A2/B1)

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. You wore the modern blouse.
Te pusiste la blusa moderna.
2. He has put on a trendy T-shirt.
Se ha puesto una camiseta moderna.
3. I put on the vintage jacket.
Me puse la cazadora antigua.
4. You put on comfortable clothes.
Os pusisteis ropa cómoda.
5. We have put on comfortable socks.
Nos hemos puesto calcetines cómodos.

Basic subjunctive exercises: B1

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

pusierais, pusieran, os, se, os pongáis, me ponga, nos pongamos

Ojalá ... ... el estilo antiguo.
(I wish they would wear the old-fashioned style.)
Me encantó que ... ... ropa moderna.
(I loved that you wore trendy clothes.)
Ojalá ... el sombrero bonito.
(I hope you put on the nice hat.)
Espero que ... la gorra moderna.
(I hope I wear the trendy cap.)
Sugerimos que ... los calcetines coloridos.
(We suggest we wear the colorful socks.)

Advanced exercises: C1/C2

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. He would have put on the stylish cap.
Se habría puesto la gorra estilosa.
2. Maybe we have put on an old cap.
Tal vez nos hayamos puesto una gorra antigua.
3. We had put on the fashionable jacket.
Nos hubimos puesto la cazadora de moda.
4. You would have worn the hiking boots.
Os hubierais/os hubieseis puesto las botas de montaña.
5. I hope I have put on the jacket.
Espero que me haya puesto la cazadora.