Poner (to put) - Verb conjugation and exercises Share Copied!
Conjugation of poner (to put) for all verb tenses with example phrases and exercises.

Learning materials that implement this verb:
Level: A1
Module 5: En casa (At home)
Lesson 34: Electrodomésticos (Household appliances)
Basic verb forms
Infinitivo (Infinitive) | Gerundio (Gerund) | Participio (Participle) |
Poner (to put) | Poniendo (Putting) | Puesto (Put) |
Poner (to put): Verb conjugation tables
Indicativo (Indicative) | Subjuntivo (Subjunctive) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PresenteShare Copied!
Pretérito perfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo presenteShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pretérito perfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito imperfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito pluscuamperfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pretérito imperfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pluscuamperfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito indefinidoShare Copied!
Pretérito anteriorShare Copied!
Subjuntivo futuro simpleShare Copied!
Subjuntivo futuro perfectoShare Copied!
Futuro simpleShare Copied!
Futuro perfectoShare Copied!
Condicional simpleShare Copied!
Condicional perfectoShare Copied!
Present and future tenses: A1
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
You put the pan in the kitchen.
Tú pones la sartén en la cocina.
He will put the frying pan in the kitchen.
Él pondrá la sartén en la cocina.
We will put the chairs in the dining room.
Nosotros pondremos las sillas en el comedor.
They will put the glasses on the table.
Ellos pondrán los vasos encima de la mesa.
You will put the napkins next to the plate.
Vosotros pondréis las servilletas al lado del plato.
Basic past tenses (A2/B1)
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
We have put the clothes in the washing machine.
Hemos puesto la ropa en la lavadora.
You put the microwave on the table.
Pusiste el microondas sobre la mesa.
They put the dishwasher on.
Pusieron el lavaplatos a funcionar.
They have put the iron next to the radiator.
Han puesto la plancha al lado del radiador.
He/she has put the dishes in the dishwasher.
Ha puesto los platos en el lavaplatos.
Basic subjunctive exercises: B1
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.
pusieran/pusiesen, pongáis, pusiera/pusiese, ponga
Espero que vosotros ... las servilletas en la mesa.
(I hope that you put the napkins on the table.)
Si ellos ... los boles encima de la alacena, estarían fuera de peligro.
(If they put the bowls on top of the cupboard, they would be out of danger.)
Es posible que él ... el vaso en el mueble.
(It is possible that he puts the glass on the furniture.)
Si yo ... el plato en la mesa, estaría listo para comer.
(If I were to put the plate on the table, it would be ready to eat.)
Espero que yo ... los platos sobre la mesa.
(I hope that I put the plates on the table.)
Advanced exercises: C1/C2
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
You had put the plate next to the cup.
Vosotros hubisteis puesto el plato junto a la taza.
I had put the glasses on the table.
Yo hube puesto los vasos sobre la mesa.
They had put the glasses in front of the plates.
Ellos hubieron puesto los vasos delante de los platos.
We would have put the cup next to the plate.
Nosotros habríamos puesto la taza al lado del plato.
If they had put the knife in the drawer, we would not have lost it.
Si ellos hubieran/hubiesen puesto el cuchillo en el cajón, no lo habríamos perdido.