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Ofrecer (to offer) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Conjugation of ofrecer (to offer) for all verb tenses with example phrases and exercises.

 Ofrecer (to offer) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Learning materials that implement this verb:

Level: B1

Module 6: Vivir en el extranjero (Living abroad)

Lesson 38: Mudanza (Relocating)

Basic verb forms

Infinitivo (Infinitive) Gerundio (Gerund) Participio (Participle)
Ofrecer (to offer) Ofreciendo (Offering) Ofrecido (Offered)

Ofrecer (to offer): Verb conjugation tables

Indicativo (Indicative) Subjuntivo (Subjunctive)


Spanish English
yo ofrezco I offer
tú ofreces you offer
él/ella ofrece He/she offers
nosotros/nosotras ofrecemos we offer
vosotros/vosotras ofrecéis you offer
ellos/ellas ofrecen They offer

Pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo he ofrecido I have offered
tú has ofrecido you have offered
él/ella ha ofrecido He/she has offered
nosotros/nosotras hemos ofrecido we have offered
vosotros/vosotras habéis ofrecido You have offered
ellos/ellas han ofrecido They have offered

Subjuntivo presente 

Spanish English
yo ofrezca I offer
tú ofrezcas you offer
él/ella ofrezca he/she offers
nosotros/nosotras ofrezcamos we offer
vosotros/vosotras ofrezcáis you offer
ellos/ellas ofrezcan They offer

Subjuntivo pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo haya ofrecido I have offered
tú hayas ofrecido you have offered
él/ella haya ofrecido he may have offered
nosotros/nosotras hayamos ofrecido we have offered
vosotros/vosotras hayáis ofrecido you have offered
ellos/ellas hayan ofrecido They have offered

Pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo ofrecía I offered
tú ofrecías you were offering
él/ella ofrecía He/she was offering
nosotros/nosotras ofrecíamos we offered
vosotros/vosotras ofrecíais you offered
ellos/ellas ofrecían They offered

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo había ofrecido I had offered
tú habías ofrecido you had offered
él/ella había ofrecido He/she had offered
nosotros/nosotras habíamos ofrecido we had offered
vosotros/vosotras habíais ofrecido you had offered
ellos/ellas habían ofrecido They had offered

Subjuntivo pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo ofreciera/ofreciese I would offer
tú ofrecieras/ofrecieses you offered
él/ella ofreciera/ofreciese he/she offered
nosotros/nosotras ofreciéramos/ofreciésemos we offered
vosotros/vosotras ofrecierais/ofrecieseis You all offered
ellos/ellas ofrecieran/ofreciesen they offered

Subjuntivo pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo hubiera/hubiese ofrecido I would have offered
tú hubieras/hubieses ofrecido you had offered
él/ella hubiera/hubiese ofrecido He/she had offered
nosotros/nosotras hubiéramos/hubiésemos ofrecido we had offered
vosotros/vosotras hubierais/hubieseis ofrecido you would have offered
ellos/ellas hubieran/hubiesen ofrecido They had offered

Pretérito indefinido 

Spanish English
yo ofrecí I offered
tú ofreciste you offered
él/ella ofreció He/she offered
nosotros/nosotras ofrecimos we offered
vosotros/vosotras ofrecisteis you offered
ellos/ellas ofrecieron They offered

Pretérito anterior 

Spanish English
yo hube ofrecido I had offered
tú hubiste ofrecido you had offered
él/ella hubo ofrecido He/she had offered
nosotros/nosotras hubimos ofrecido we had offered
vosotros/vosotras hubisteis ofrecido You had offered
ellos/ellas hubieron ofrecido They had offered

Subjuntivo futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo ofreciere I shall offer
tú ofrecieres you would offer
él/ella ofreciere he/she would offer
nosotros/nosotras ofreciéremos we shall offer
vosotros/vosotras ofreciereis You will offer
ellos/ellas ofrecieren They would offer

Subjuntivo futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo hubiere ofrecido I will have offered
tú hubieres ofrecido you will have offered
él/ella hubiere ofrecido He/she will have offered
nosotros/nosotras hubiéremos ofrecido we will have offered
vosotros/vosotras hubiereis ofrecido you will have offered
ellos/ellas hubieren ofrecido They will have offered

Futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo ofreceré I will offer
tú ofrecerás you will offer
él/ella ofrecerá He/she will offer
nosotros/nosotras ofreceremos we will offer
vosotros/vosotras ofreceréis You will offer
ellos/ellas ofrecerán They will offer

Futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo habré ofrecido I will have offered
tú habrás ofrecido you will have offered
él/ella habrá ofrecido He/she will have offered
nosotros/nosotras habremos ofrecido we will have offered
vosotros/vosotras habréis ofrecido You will have offered
ellos/ellas habrán ofrecido They will have offered
Imperativo (Imperative)


Spanish English
¡Ofrece! Offer!
¡Ofrezca! Offer!
¡Ofrezcamos! Let's offer
¡Ofreced! Offer!
¡Ofrezcan! Offer!

Imperativo negativo 

Spanish English
No ofrezcas! Do not offer!
No ofrezca! Do not offer!
No ofrezcamos! Let's not offer!
No ofrezcáis! Do not offer!
No ofrezcan! They do not offer!

Condicional simple 

Spanish English
yo ofrecería I would offer
tú ofrecerías You would offer
él/ella ofrecería He/she would offer
nosotros/nosotras ofreceríamos we would offer
vosotros/vosotras ofreceríais you would offer
ellos/ellas ofrecerían They would offer

Condicional perfecto 

Spanish English
yo habría ofrecido I would have offered
tú habrías ofrecido You would have offered
él/ella habría ofrecido He/she would have offered
nosotros/nosotras habríamos ofrecido We would have offered
vosotros/vosotras habríais ofrecido You would have offered
ellos/ellas habrían ofrecido They would have offered

Present and future tenses: A1

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. We will offer support in the job search.
Ofreceremos apoyo en la búsqueda de trabajo.
2. I offer my support during the job search.
Yo ofrezco mi apoyo durante la búsqueda de trabajo.
3. I will offer my respect to the civil partnership.
Ofreceré mi respeto a la pareja de hecho.
4. You offer courses on job stability.
Vosotros ofrecéis cursos sobre la estabilidad laboral.
5. You will offer an apology sincerely.
Ofrecerás una disculpa con sinceridad.

Basic past tenses (A2/B1)

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. I have offered my help in the job search.
He ofrecido mi ayuda en la búsqueda de trabajo.
2. You have offered constant support to the study group.
Habéis ofrecido apoyo constante al grupo de estudio.
3. We offered our support in the job search.
Nosotros ofrecimos nuestro apoyo en la búsqueda de trabajo.
4. We offered our respect in the marriage as a common-law couple.
Nosotros ofrecíamos nuestro respeto en el matrimonio como pareja de hecho.
5. They offered constant support during the unemployment crisis.
Ellos ofrecían apoyo constante durante la crisis del desempleo.

Basic subjunctive exercises: B1

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

ofrezcas, ofrezca, ofrezcáis, ofrecieras/ofrecieses, ofreciéramos/ofreciésemos

Si tú ... tu opinión, la discusión sería más productiva.
(If you were to offer your opinion, the discussion would be more productive.)
Necesitamos que vosotros ... ideas para la campaña.
(We need you to offer ideas for the campaign.)
Es probable que él ... una propuesta en la conferencia.
(He might offer a proposal at the conference.)
Espero que tú ... soluciones en la reunión.
(I hope that you offer solutions in the meeting.)
Si nosotros ... un buen servicio, la confianza de los clientes aumentaría.
(If we were to offer a good service, the trust of the customers would increase.)

Advanced exercises: C1/C2

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. They had offered their trust in the search for a solution before the crisis.
Ellos hubieron ofrecido su confianza en la búsqueda de una solución antes de la crisis.
2. I may have offered my help to renovate the house.
Es posible que yo haya ofrecido mi ayuda para renovar la casa.
3. I don't know if you had offered the gift before the wedding.
No sé si hubieras/hubieses ofrecido el regalo antes de la boda.
4. We had offered our house for the party before everything was cancelled.
Nosotros hubimos ofrecido nuestra casa para la fiesta antes de que todo se cancelara.
5. I do not believe that you have offered realistic solutions to the problem.
No creo que vosotros hayáis ofrecido soluciones realistas al problema.