Observar (to observe) - Pretérito imperfecto, indicativo (Imperfect Past, indicative) Share Copied!

Observar - Conjugation of to observe in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the imperfect past, indicative tense (Pretérito imperfecto, indicativo).
Pretérito imperfecto, indicativo (Imperfect Past, indicative)
All conjugations and tenses: Observar (to observe) - Verb conjugation and exercises
Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Observación de estrellas (Star watching)
Conjugation of to observe in Pretérito imperfecto
Spanish | English |
yo observaba | I was observing |
tú observabas | You were observing |
él/ella observaba | He observed |
nosotros/nosotras observábamos | we observed |
vosotros/vosotras observabais | You observed |
ellos/ellas observaban | They were observing |
Example phrases
Spanish | English |
Observaba el cielo cada noche. | I observed the sky every night. |
Observabas las estrellas con admiración. | You were observing the stars with admiration. |
Observaba la luna con su telescopio. | He/she was observing the moon with his/her telescope. |
Observábamos el cielo desde el este. | We were observing the sky from the east. |
Observabais el espacio y sus misterios. | You were observing the space and its mysteries. |
Observaban el mundo con ojos fascinantes. | They observed the world with fascinating eyes. |
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct form.
observabais, observabas, observábamos, observaba, observaban
... el cielo desde el este.
(We were observing the sky from the east.)
... el mundo con ojos fascinantes.
(They observed the world with fascinating eyes.)
... las estrellas con admiración.
(You were observing the stars with admiration.)
... el cielo cada noche.
(I observed the sky every night.)
... la luna con su telescopio.
(He/she was observing the moon with his/her telescope.)
... el espacio y sus misterios.
(You were observing the space and its mysteries.)