Ir (to go) - Verb conjugation and exercises Share Copied!
Conjugation of ir (to go) for all verb tenses with example phrases and exercises.

Learning materials that implement this verb:
Level: A1
Module 2: De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)
Lesson 12: Estaciones, meses y partes del año. (Seasons, months and parts of the year)
Basic verb forms
Infinitivo (Infinitive) | Gerundio (Gerund) | Participio (Participle) |
Ir (to go) | Yendo (going) | Ido (Gone) |
Ir (to go): Verb conjugation tables
Indicativo (Indicative) | Subjuntivo (Subjunctive) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PresenteShare Copied!
Pretérito perfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo presenteShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pretérito perfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito imperfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito pluscuamperfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pretérito imperfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pluscuamperfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito indefinidoShare Copied!
Pretérito anteriorShare Copied!
Subjuntivo futuro simpleShare Copied!
Subjuntivo futuro perfectoShare Copied!
Futuro simpleShare Copied!
Futuro perfectoShare Copied!
Condicional simpleShare Copied!
Condicional perfectoShare Copied!
Present and future tenses: A1
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
He goes to work by car.
Él va al trabajo en coche.
He will go to the party next Saturday.
Él irá a la fiesta el próximo sábado.
We will go to the beach in summer.
Nosotros iremos a la playa en verano.
We go to the movies on weekends.
Nosotros vamos al cine los fines de semana.
You will go to the store this afternoon.
Tú irás a la tienda esta tarde.
Basic past tenses (A2/B1)
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
Basic subjunctive exercises: B1
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.
vayas, fuerais/fueseis, fueras/fueses, fuéramos/fuésemos, vaya
Si vosotros ... más puntuales, llegaríamos a tiempo.
(If you were more punctual, we would arrive on time.)
Si tú ... a la fiesta, serías muy bienvenido.
(If you were to go to the party, you would be very welcome.)
Es posible que tú ... a la tienda después.
(It is possible that you will go to the shop later.)
Si nosotros ... ricos, viajaríamos por todo el mundo.
(If we were rich, we would travel all over the world.)
Quiero que él/ella ... a la reunión.
(I want him/her to go to the meeting.)
Advanced exercises: C1/C2
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
You would have gone to the concert if you had had time.
Tú habrías ido al concierto si hubieras tenido tiempo.
You had gone to the concert before it started.
Vosotros/vosotras hubisteis ido al concierto antes de que comenzara.
I would have gone to the party if you had invited me.
Yo habría ido a la fiesta si me hubieras invitado.
He would have gone to work if he hadn't been sick.
Él habría ido al trabajo si no hubiera estado enfermo.
If you had gone to the doctor, you would have recovered sooner.
Si tú hubieras/hubieses ido al médico, te habrías curado antes.