Hacer (to do) - Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative) Share Copied!

Hacer - Conjugation of to do in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the simple conditional, indicative tense (Condicional simple, indicativo).
Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative)
All conjugations and tenses: Hacer (to do) - Verb conjugation and exercises
Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Rutinas diarias (Daily routines)
Conjugation of to do in Condicional simple
Spanish | English |
yo haría | I would do |
tú harías | You would do |
él/ella haría | he would do |
nosotros/nosotras haríamos | We would do |
vosotros/vosotras haríais | You all would do |
ellos/ellas harían | They would do |
Example phrases
Spanish | English |
Yo haría una tostada para desayunar. | I would make a toast for breakfast. |
¿Tú harías café para la mañana? | You would make coffee for the morning. |
Ella haría ejercicio a diario. | She would do exercise daily. |
Nosotros haríamos el horario juntos. | We would do the schedule together. |
¿Vosotros haríais tiempo para estudiar? | You would make time to study. |
Ellos harían planes para la tarde. | They would make plans for the afternoon. |
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct form.
haríais, haría, harían, harías, haríamos
Ellos ... planes para la tarde.
(They would make plans for the afternoon.)
¿Tú ... café para la mañana?
(Would you make coffee for the morning?)
Ella ... ejercicio a diario.
(She would do exercise daily.)
Nosotros ... el horario juntos.
(We would do the schedule together.)
¿Vosotros ... tiempo para estudiar?
(Would you make time to study?)
Yo ... una tostada para desayunar.
(I would make a toast for breakfast.)