Despedir (to fire) - Condicional perfecto, indicativo (Past Conditional, indicative)

 Despedir (to fire) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Despedir - Conjugation of to fire in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the past conditional, indicative tense (Condicional perfecto, indicativo).

Condicional perfecto, indicativo (Past Conditional, indicative)

All conjugations and tenses: Despedir (to fire) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Trabajo: expectativas y realidad (Occupation: expectations and reality)

Conjugation of to fire in Condicional perfecto

Spanish English
yo me habría despedido I would have fired
tú te habrías despedido you would have fired
él/ella se habría despedido He/she would have fired
nosotros/nosotras nos habríamos despedido We would have fired
vosotros/vosotras os habríais despedido You would have fired yourselves
ellos/ellas se habrían despedido They would have fired

Example phrases

Spanish English
Si hubiera tenido tiempo, me habría despedido de la maratón. If I had had time, I would have fired from the marathon.
Si hubieras sido aficionado al bricolaje, te habrías despedido del pasatiempo. If you had been a DIY enthusiast, you would have fired the hobby.
Si él hubiera explorado más, se habría despedido del continente. If he had explored more, he would have fired the continent.
Si hubiéramos tendido buena conexión a internet, nos habríamos despedido por video. If we had had a good internet connection, we would have fired by video.
Si os hubierais subido al globo, os habríais despedido de Asia desde lo alto. If you had boarded the balloon, you would have fired Asia from above.
Si ellas hubieran sido más aventureras, se habrían despedido de Europa en una caravana. If they had been more adventurous, they would have fired Europe in a caravan.

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

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se habría despedido, me habría despedido, te habrías despedido, nos habríamos despedido, os habríais despedido, se habrían despedido

Si hubiera tenido tiempo, ... de la maratón.
(If I had had time, I would have fired from the marathon.)
Si hubieras sido aficionado al bricolaje, ... del pasatiempo.
(If you had been a DIY enthusiast, you would have fired the hobby.)
Si él hubiera explorado más, ... del continente.
(If he had explored more, he would have fired the continent.)
Si os hubierais subido al globo, ... de asia desde lo alto.
(If you had boarded the balloon, you would have fired Asia from above.)
Si hubiéramos tendido buena conexión a internet, ... por video.
(If we had had a good internet connection, we would have fired by video.)
Si ellas hubieran sido más aventureras, ... de europa en una caravana.
(If they had been more adventurous, they would have sacked Europe in a caravan.)