Crecer (to grow) - Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, indicativo (Pluperfect, indicative)

 Crecer (to grow) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Crecer - Conjugation of to grow in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the pluperfect, indicative tense (Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, indicativo).

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, indicativo (Pluperfect, indicative)

All conjugations and tenses: Crecer (to grow) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Legado y homenaje (Legacy and tribute)

Conjugation of to grow in Pretérito pluscuamperfecto

Spanish English
yo había crecido I had grown
tú habías crecido you had grown
él/ella había crecido He/she had grown
nosotros/nosotras habíamos crecido We had grown
vosotros/vosotras habíais crecido you had grown
ellos/ellas habían crecido They had grown

Example phrases

Spanish English
Cuando me enteré de la noticia, ya había crecido mi interés por el tema. When I found out about the news, my interest in the subject had already grown.
Antes de que llegaras, habías crecido mucho como persona. Before you arrived, you had grown a lot as a person.
Ella había crecido en un ambiente muy estable y seguro. She had grown up in a very stable and secure environment.
Nos enteramos de que habíamos crecido en la misma ciudad. We had found out that we had grown up in the same city.
Cuando nos vimos, ya habíais crecido desde la última vez. When we saw each other, you had already grown since the last time.
Ellos habían crecido juntos y siempre tenían muchas historias que contar. They had grown up together and always had many stories to tell.

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

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habías crecido, habían crecido, habíais crecido, habíamos crecido, había crecido

Antes de que llegaras, ... mucho como persona.
(Before you arrived, you had grown a lot as a person.)
Ella ... en un ambiente muy estable y seguro.
(She had grown up in a very stable and secure environment.)
Cuando nos vimos, ya ... desde la última vez.
(When we saw each other, you had already grown since the last time.)
Nos enteramos de que ... en la misma ciudad.
(We had found out that we had grown up in the same city.)
Cuando me enteré de la noticia, ya ... mi interés por el tema.
(When I found out about the news, my interest in the subject had already grown.)
Ellos ... juntos y siempre tenían muchas historias que contar.
(They had grown up together and always had many stories to tell.)