Conseguir (to get) - Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, indicativo (Pluperfect, indicative) Share Copied!

Conseguir - Conjugation of to get in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the pluperfect, indicative tense (Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, indicativo).
Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, indicativo (Pluperfect, indicative)
All conjugations and tenses: Conseguir (to get) - Verb conjugation and exercises
Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Legado y homenaje (Legacy and tribute)
Conjugation of to get in Pretérito pluscuamperfecto
Spanish | English |
yo había conseguido | I had got |
tú habías conseguido | you had gotten |
él/ella había conseguido | He/she had got |
nosotros/nosotras habíamos conseguido | we had got |
vosotros/vosotras habíais conseguido | you had got |
ellos/ellas habían conseguido | They had got |
Example phrases
Spanish | English |
Antes de la boda, había conseguido ver a mis amigos. | I had got to see my friends before the wedding. |
Habías conseguido superar el miedo antes del lanzamiento. | You had gotten over the fear before the launch. |
Había conseguido tener estabilidad laboral antes de jubilarse. | He/She had got job stability before retiring. |
Antes de la despedida de soltero, habíamos conseguido recoger todos los regalos. | We had managed to get all the gifts before the bachelor party. |
Habíais conseguido solucionar todos los problemas por vuestra cuenta. | You had managed to solve all the problems on your own. |
Habían conseguido mejorar la calidad de vida antes de marcharse. | They had managed to improve the quality of life before leaving. |
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct form.
había conseguido, habían conseguido, habíamos conseguido, habíais conseguido, habías conseguido
... tener estabilidad laboral antes de jubilarse.
(He/She had got job stability before retiring.)
... solucionar todos los problemas por vuestra cuenta.
(You had managed to solve all the problems on your own.)
... mejorar la calidad de vida antes de marcharse.
(They had managed to improve the quality of life before leaving.)
Antes de la boda, ... ver a mis amigos.
(I had got to see my friends before the wedding.)
... superar el miedo antes del lanzamiento.
(You had gotten over the fear before the launch.)
Antes de la despedida de soltero, ... recoger todos los regalos.
(We had managed to get all the gifts before the bachelor party.)