Aprovechar (to take advantage of) - Pretérito perfecto, indicativo (Present Perfect, indicative)

 Aprovechar (to take advantage of) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Aprovechar - Conjugation of to take advantage of in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the present perfect, indicative tense (Pretérito perfecto, indicativo).

Pretérito perfecto, indicativo (Present Perfect, indicative)

All conjugations and tenses: Aprovechar (to take advantage of) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Tiempos felices y difíciles (Happy and difficult times)

Conjugation of to take advantage of in Pretérito perfecto

Spanish English
yo he aprovechado I have taken advantage of
tú has aprovechado You have taken advantage of
él/ella ha aprovechado He/she has taken advantage of
nosotros/nosotras hemos aprovechado We have taken advantage of
vosotros/vosotras habéis aprovechado you have taken advantage of
ellos/ellas han aprovechado They have taken advantage of

Example phrases

Spanish English
He aprovechado el tiempo para hacer un curso. I have taken advantage of the time to do a course.
Has aprovechado la oportunidad para explorar nuevas ideas. You have taken advantage of the opportunity to explore new ideas.
Ha aprovechado la Feria Internacional de Turismo para analizar destinos turísticos. He has taken advantage of the International Tourism Fair to analyze tourist destinations.
Hemos aprovechado el evento para encontrarnos con personas clave. We have taken advantage of the event to meet with key people.
Habéis aprovechado la reunión para expresar vuestras propuestas. You have taken advantage of the meeting to express your proposals.
Han aprovechado la insatisfacción del público para anunciar cambios en la serie. They have taken advantage of the public's dissatisfaction to announce changes in the series.

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

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han aprovechado, ha aprovechado, habéis aprovechado, he aprovechado, has aprovechado, hemos aprovechado

... el tiempo para hacer un curso.
(I have taken advantage of the time to do a course.)
... la oportunidad para explorar nuevas ideas.
(You have taken advantage of the opportunity to explore new ideas.)
... la feria internacional de turismo para analizar destinos turísticos.
(He has taken advantage of the international tourism fair to analyse tourist destinations.)
... el evento para encontrarnos con personas clave.
(We have taken advantage of the event to meet with key people.)
... la reunión para expresar vuestras propuestas.
(You have taken advantage of the meeting to express your proposals.)
... la insatisfacción del público para anunciar cambios en la serie.
(They have taken advantage of the public's dissatisfaction to announce changes in the series.)