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Spanish A1.44: Friday night out - recap exercises

These exercises can be made together with the teacher to start the lesson.

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These exercises repeat the last 5 lessons and can be done at the start of the lesson or as homework to prepare the lesson.

Exercise 1: Grammar recap exercise (last 5 lessons)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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desde, De vez en cuando, Todos, Todavía, ha comido

1. Comer:
Ella ... un plato de pasta en el restaurante italiano.
(She has eaten a plate of pasta at the Italian restaurant.)
... los días practico el atletismo.
(Every day I practise athletics.)
Salimos ... la universidad y vamos hacia el parque.
(We leave from the university and go towards the park.)
... no he pintado nada hoy.
(I haven't painted anything yet today.)
... nos gusta jugar al tenis, cuando nos apetece.
(Every now and then we like to play tennis, when we feel like it.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


La tienda

The shop


El fútbol



El autobús

The bus


La pizzería

The pizzeria


A la izquierda

To the left

Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

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dais, escucha, han vivido, habéis vivido, han bebido

Ellos ... en la villa por muchos años.
(They have lived in the village for many years.)
Vosotros me ... la el mapa.
(You give me the map.)
Vosotros ... en un albergue en francia, ¿verdad?
(You have lived in a hostel in France, right?)
Ellos ... té en la universidad.
(They have drunk tea at the university.)
Él ... el consejo del entrenador.
(He listens to the coach's advice.)

Exercise 4: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. Me gusta jugar al baloncesto cada semana en el parque.
I like playing basketball every week in the park.
2. Él anda y dice su apellido.
He walks and says his surname.
3. Siempre hago fotos durante mis paseos por la naturaleza.
I always take photos during my walks in nature.
4. El atletismo es muy popular en la universidad.
Athletics is very popular at the university.
5. Hemos pasado por varios bares durante la noche.
We have been to several pubs during the night.