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Spanish A1.43: Asking for and giving directions - recap exercises

These exercises can be made together with the teacher to start the lesson.

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These exercises repeat the last 5 lessons and can be done at the start of the lesson or as homework to prepare the lesson.

Exercise 1: Grammar recap exercise (last 5 lessons)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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hacia, Mañana, habéis tomado, ha comido, desde

Salimos ... la universidad y vamos hacia el parque.
(We leave from the university and go towards the park.)
... voy a hacer un dibujo, porque hoy estoy cansada.
(Tomorrow I am going to do a drawing, because today I am tired.)
3. Comer:
Ella ... un plato de pasta en el restaurante italiano.
(She has eaten a plate of pasta at the Italian restaurant.)
4. Tomar:
Vosotros ... el menú para leerlo.
(You have taken the menu to read it.)
Vamos ... el norte mañana.
(We are going to the north tomorrow.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


La cafetería

The cafeteria


La gasolinera

The gas station


El fútbol



Las urgencias

The emergencies


La bebida

The drink

Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

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nos vamos, he hablado, juegan, has escuchado, jugáis

... al ciclismo todos los sábados.
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Tú ... las instrucciones del entrenador.
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Nosotros ... al restaurante luego.
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... al atletismo después de clase.
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Yo ... con juan en la universidad.
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Exercise 4: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. La universidad está conectada con la biblioteca a través de un pasillo.
The university is connected to the library through a hallway.
2. Los camareros han preparado los platos en el restaurante.
The waiters have prepared the dishes in the restaurant.
3. A menudo miro los dibujos de Juan cuando tengo tiempo libre.
I often look at Juan's drawings when I have free time.
4. Los trenes en España son muy rápidos.
The trains in Spain are very fast.
5. El atletismo es muy popular en la universidad.
Athletics is very popular at the university.