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Adjectives in Spanish (how to use, rules and agreement)

Spanish Colours A1 Describing objects and people

In this lesson you will learn how to use adjectives in Spanish and their agreements. Let's get started!

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What are adjectives?

Adjectives are words that describe things, telling us more about their characteristics and qualities.

  • El árbol grande (The big tree)provides information about the size

  • Días felices (Happy days)provides information about a feeling

Spanish adjective agreement

In Spanish, adjectives generally agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. However, there are some irregular adjectives and exceptions to this rule.

Gender agreement of adjectives

Adjectives ending in "-o" change into "-a" for the feminine.

Gender Spanish English
Masculine El chico rubio The blond boy
Feminine La chica rubia The blond girl

Adjectives ending in any vowel other than "-o" or with an accent, do not change their form in feminine.

Gender Spanish English
Masculine El pantalón naranja The orange trousers
Feminine La casa naranja The orange house

Adjectives ending in "-or", usually change to "-ora" in feminine.

Gender Spanish English
Masculine Un chico encantador A charming boy
Feminine Una chica encantadora A charming girl

Adjectives ending in a consonant do not change for their feminine form.

Gender Spanish English
Masculine Un libro fácil An easy book
Feminine Una prueba fácil An easy test

Sometimes, adjectives ending in a consonant change for their feminine form. It often happens with nationalities. 
El vino español (The Spanish wine) La comida española (The Spanish food)

Plural agreement of adjectives

Adjectives ending with a non-accented vowel end on "-s" in their plural form.

Number Spanish English
Singular El coche viejo The old car
Plural Los coches viejos The old cars

For adjectives ending with a consonant, add "-es" to form the plural.

Number Spanish English
Singular La persona joven The young person
Plural Las personas jóvenes The young people

In Spanish, adjectives ending with "-z" take the plural ending "-ces".

Number Spanish English
Singular Un momento feliz A happy moment
Plural Unos momentos felices Some happy moments

Adjective endings in plural endings can vary "-s", "-es", "-ces".

Listening exercise

This table demonstrates the adjective agreement of Spanish adjectives.

  Spanish English
María Ayer me compré un vestido naranja en una tienda de segunda mano. Yesterday I bought an orange dress at a thrift store.
Daniel ¡Qué bien! ¿Es fácil encontrar ropa en esa tienda? That's great! Is it easy to find clothes in that store?
María ¡Sí, lo es! Además, la dependienta es encantadora y española. Yes it is! Also, the shop assistant is charming and Spanish.
Daniel ¡Genial! Se te ve muy feliz. Gracias por la recomendación. Great! You seem very happy. Thanks for the recommendation.

Word order of adjectives in a sentence in Spanish

Usually, adjectives are placed after the noun they describe. 

Spanish English
La casa azul The blue house
La niña pequeña The small girl

However, there are specific cases when adjectives are placed before the noun. 

Spanish English
Cinco meses Five months
Cada año Every year
Buen ambiente Good environment

Sometimes adjectives can be placed both before or after the noun, but they change the meaning of the sentence.

Meaning Spanish English
"Old" means "long-standing" Un viejo amigo An old friend
"Old" means "aged" Un amigo viejo An old friend

Listening exercise

In this dialogue the different possible positions of adjectives in sentences are visualised.

  Spanish English
María ¿Has visto mi pequeño libro azul? Have you seen my little blue book?
Daniel No lo he visto. ¿Es el libro que te regaló tu viejo amigo Alex? I haven't seen it. Is it the book your old friend Alex gave you?
María Sí, es ese. Es un buen libro y le tengo mucho cariño. Yes, that's the one. It's a good book, and I hold it dear.
Daniel En cinco minutos te ayudo a buscarlo. I'll help you look for it in five minutes.

Key takeaways

Here is a quick summary of this lesson.

  1. Adjectives describe things and tells us more about their characteristics.
  2. Adjectives generally agree in gender and number with the noun they describe.
  3. They can be placed before or after the noun.